Strong And Sweet

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AUTHORS NOTE: i was writing my Beach Boys fabric Heroes And Villains (MikeXBrian) and realized I hadnt written any Mclennon fanfic! Enjoy👉👌😩🍆
This was a bad day.
Paul could Not think of an single song 2 write.
He mainely worked as the CEO of a big company(which he was doing right now), but his tru pashun was Rock And roll.
Pau had loved rocknroll since he was a thirteen years old teenager. Rock and roll was hiss fave thing in the history of loke, forever. it was music too his ears.
He had nown that ever since he 1st heard rock and Roll that he had 2 make some delicious music himseld.
But Paul jsut couldnt rite anything right now! he tryed and tried too think of a dope song too wright, but all that waa coming up was boring as fuck.he neaded something better.
Something more amassing.
something nore beautifull.
he grab a pencil and started 2 write a song. But it was just really extreameley bad! He flinged the paper off his wooden desk.
Paul looked at the mess he made.
"oh no" he said. "i wish I h ad a secretary. it   doesn't have too be a fulltime one. A temporaty one would be nice 2"
So Pau writed down a note on a piece of boss paper.
He then made a call on his fancy plastic boss phoane.
"Hello?" Paul said. ,!. "id like to make audtions for a temporary secretary. I need 1 right now! bring in as many girls as possible!"
"Yes sir Mr. McCartney!" said Pete Towsend.
A/N: that's rite theirs gonna be other classic rockers in this fic!!
Paul slanned down the phone in it's case.
"Phew" he Said quitely. "I'm glad i said that."
Afew minutes later, the secretary audittions were about 2 start. Paul could not wait!! This was like Christmas for him. i   really needed some1 too clean up my shit, Pau thouhgt as he looked down at the messy  floor with lots of papee.
Suddrnly the phone rang!!!! "RRRRRIIIIIIINNGGGGG!!!!" went the phone loudly. " AAAHHH!! " shouted Paul. he fell out of his seat and nearly did a shit in his pants!! He was glad he didnt do that.😉💩paul opened the phone and ansered it. "Paul its time 4 the secertary auditions!!" said Pete Townshend.
" that's fucking awesome bro!!! " said Paul with a huge grine on his boyish round face. "bring da girls in"

THe frist girl walk into Paul's office. "hello my name is Raven" she said. She was petete and had long blonde hair in a braid downher back. Paul thoight she look like Rapunzel from the movie Tangled! "what do u know about paper?" Paul asked with a super serius look on his face. "Uhhh i dont know" said Raven nervously as sweat pored down her frekkled cheeks. "what about numbers? WHat's ur fave number?" Paul said even seriouser . "Uhhhhhhh asjdhfjsnsjsj maybe twelve?!" Raven said loudly. Paul sudddenly got really really angry!! " that's a fucking stupid number Raven! Every1 knows dat thirteen is a way awesomer number!twelve is the worst number! It's 4 normies! " Raven's eyes widened.
Raven runned out really fast crying. Paul thought she was stupid and dumb. He needed a cooler serctary.
The second girl strutted in wearing six inch heals. "Hello Mister McCartney." she said in her sedutcive deep voice. "My name is Alex" she had wavy red hair big titties and a long black dress on. Shewas super pretty 2!! Pau took a sniff of the air and found she smelled liek whiskey and cinnammon. "How high is youre iq?" Paul asked as he put his glasses on. " why do you need 2 know that? " Alex purred sexily as she batted her long eyelashess. "Bcuz thats a essentual question you must say when getting a secretary! !" Paul said with a sassy smirk on his lips. Alex seemed all hawtness and no intellect. Paul decidded 2 ask her another quesrion. " how many numbers can u name?! " Alex's eyes got super duper big. "1, 75, 147, 3, 8, 14, ummm.....I CANT NAME ANY MORE NUMBERS!!" She suddenly shouted really loudly. " c'mon love, i know you can... " paul said slyly, trying too flirt with the sexy lady. " im sorry mister mCcartney. " Alex said sadly. "I just wanted this job to be ur girlfriend." Paul frowned. " being a secertsry is a very very serious job!! and you may have allmost been my bae if you weren't such a fuckinh dumbass!! I like smart girls! " Paul was super mad. Alex walk  out of Pauls off ice.
Pau McCatney was beginning too get worried! Theire seemed 2 BE no one who could be his secretary!!
The third girl suddenly walked in.
Her milk chocolate colored hair went down past her ass.
SHe weared a super cute blue and green sundress.
Her legs were shapely and muscled and covered with knee high floral print stockngs.
Her face was uniccquely gorgeous, with a huge hooked nose, small eyes and   thick drammatic eyebrows.
"My name is Jane Lennon" she said in a falsetto voice.

"My name is Jane Lennon" she said in a falsetto voice

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Paul could Not pick his jaw off the ground. Jane was fucking hawt!!! she looked really smart 2.
"How many pounds of paper can u carry while walking?" Paul asked Jane. " 55 pounds sir" Jane said confidenley. "Jane do some math" said Pau. "55 times 12 is 1000!" JAne said with a sassy smirk on her thin lips. " WOW THAT'S REALLY GOOD!1!! " paul shouted with joy. "Jane...what is your favorite number?" he said into Janes ear. Jane moved closer to Paul, pushing her soft mouth next to Pail's ear, as if to kiss or bite it. Paul could feal his peen harden a lil bit.
"My fave" she whispered erotically int2 his ear. "wow..." Paul said, his eyes widening really really big. " thats the best and edgiest number. You've got the job! "
Jane bit her lip slowly. "Theres sometjing i wanna do first thing" she said, not taking her lips from pauls ear. Paul McCartney 's flesh tower bounced straight up like the Empire state Building at the sound of her sexy voice, which had gotten way deepee. "Efrey good secretary needs 2 do this. And I wanna go down in the seccretary hall of fame" Jane said, her voice dripping with sex. Paul knew this smart girl meant bussiness! The Secretary Hall of Fame was a big deal in England.
AUTHORS NOTE: that's where this fic is set btw.
Jane brushed a lock of long chessnut hair out of her eyes too look at Pauls erect weenie, her fingers caressing the boner. Paul let out a quiet moan. "UHHHH!!" Jane smiled and licked her lips as she unwrapped Paul's jeans. she began 2 ran her lips over Pails firm banana while it was still covered by his Calvin Klein underwear. Paul moaned a little louder. Smart and slutty! he wasnt expecting the new secretary 2 BE this perfect.
Jane wiggled Paul's panties off and stare at his firm peen like it was the bestest food on earth. SHhe took Paul's firm baguette into her mouth and began to suck it hard.
"OOOHHH" noaned Pau.
Jane made complete rye contact as she started 2 bob her lips down on Pauls rooster super duper fast. SLURP! Jane licked pajls sacred rod like a warm popsicle.
"FUCK YES UNNHHHHHHH" Paul moaned at the top of his lungs as he spurted his milk into Janes mouth and all over her face. Jane pulled back, wiping the passion juice off herself with 1 swoop of her hand. "I gess u liked that Mr. McCartney" she said as she bited her lip. "oh y-yes..." Paul said, beads of sweat srill on his forehwad. " you start tommorow Miss Lenmon"
"I cant wait" said Jane with her trademark sass.
AUTHORS NOTE: did u guyz like that chapter? Things are only going to get more enartainting and excting from here😉

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