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AUTHORS NOTE: this is the comclusion 2 last chapters cliffhanger!

"waht r u doing shagging Pau's bummy!!!1!" roared John angrily. "i thot  I trusted yuo!"

"i jsut could not resist" said Geoge with a smirk. .';'.;.';;../////////

"PAUL IS ME BUTT SLUT NOT URS!!!! U JSUT CAN'T STICK UR PICKLE IN HIS PUCKER SO EASILY!1!" Jhon shreiked loudly as he pulled George out of Paul. "now its timr 2 fite!" said John, wearing nothing but his high heals as he pulled out a red lightsaver! George Harrison them pull out a blue lightsaber 2 fight with Jkohn! paul had 2 adimt, he was getting really turned on at this sihgt, Kohn and Geogre fighting with litesabers while naked, they're ding-dongs flappijg in the breeze. " JUST DIE ALREADY U STEAMING PILE OF BUTTPOOP!" yelled John. " BUT IM GONNA MURDER U FRIST YUO STINKY WET ASSFART!!1! " shouted George.  Paul sitted down on the floor of the wearhouse on his tummy, his nakey bung up in the air. he was worryed about both of them! Who would pump his tooter if John and George both died? "i have idea" he said. jhon and Geroge both stopped  there imstence battle 2 look at Paul. "whats.yer idea mate?" askd John questioningly. "how about you have a non voilent slap fight, and whpever wins gets to pork my plump pooper!" said Pauil with a smile. " snouds gr8 m8" said George as John and him both shaked their heads in apporval. so Lohn Jennon and Geog Harrison both started 2 slap each others faces in a heated battle, getting closer and cplser with each quick slap. Paul beginned 2 wor ry that they might want 2 do the sex with each other instead, as they where getting really close 2 French kissing! John and george were face 2 face as they smacked eachothers reddening cheeks. but as Greoges lips begimned 2 brush John's as if for a hawt kiss, John gived gorges ass a loud painful smack!!1!
George falled down in pain. "owwww" he groaned.
"I WIN I WIN TIME 2 PUMP PAULS RUMP!!" screeched Gohn as he fed his peepee in2 pauls squishy pooter!
"ooonnnhh dont stop Johnny pumpy me rumpy till i cant move!" cried Paul with desire! hearing his lover's wail of pashun then caused John Lennon 2 cum harder then anyone in excistence! john camed harder then a rocket about 2 essplode! "UNNNNNHHHHH! MORE! NORE!!" moaned Pau with heated pleasure as Hohn dumped his marsive load in2 his booty! John then gived Paul a passionate hot steany long kiss 2 silence his cries of pleasurre! John then pull his peenie out of Pauls pink starfish as he letted out  a loud yawn of delight!  "good good fucking Paulie me boy" he said as he patted the younger nans head. "i need 2 fuck some more!" said Paul McCarthey. "after all, it is me Dirty 30, and this is a drug fruit snack orgy in a warehouse. " "good point Macca. Jsut dont do sex with George" said John as he runned 2 Pete Twonshend across the warehouse and bgin slurping the tall man's rock hard dickstick! Paul couldnot dcide who 2 have sex with! he shoved aNother ecstasy laced Welch's™ fruit snack in2 his mouth as he looked aroumd at who he couls have some buttsex with.
Kieth Richard. that could be deally hawt and kinky.😫
Or keith homie Micc Jagger. He did have those amzing lips.👄
or prehaps Jimmmy Page. Altho he did not know if him and Robret Plant would let him have a 3some.
but paul really relized was that he wanted moar sexytimes with the mysterius George Harrison. the younger man was over at the other side of da wearhouse shovelimg sweet fruit smacks as he herked his thicc length in2 Ringo the waiter! "UNNN N NNNHHH BLOODY AMAZING" noamed Rigno as Heroge gived him the bestest  hunka chunka he ever getted in his entyre life! "hey mates can i join" said Paul as he strutted over 2 the two men having hawt fuck, his sausage bobbing up and down like a big ballom aminal! "yes you may. But you have 2 let us bottm u!" said Ringo with a sly smirk. "tharts a deal!" siad Pau il as he laud down on the cold warehosue floor and sticked his bummy in the air. Eorge then gived paul a pasionate kiss with lots of tuinge as Ringo pushed his peeto in2 pauls pink stink wrinkle! Goerge then started 2 slob paul knob like corn on the cob! Paul yelled the Lord's name so often, you think he was obsessed with Jesus!  This was truly his Dirty 30, he thout as Rongo Rogered his mud dungeon while George gave him a sloppy toppy on his hard special blob. BOy it's great 2 be an ghey man, thougt Paul as this sex was going on. being a hettie fucking sucks. Paul McCarthey then howled with heated pleasure like a wolf howlimg at the moon
"BEGOME U THOT!!!" squealed Kjohn as Keith Ruchard  danced the horizomtal fandango in his backdoor while David Bowie twerked on his chungus at lite speed. Paul Rignog and George stopped the steamy sex instantly. "God fuckong damn it Pail. i said u could fuck any1 exsept 4 Gorge. But yuo just had 2 have Cake By The Ocean with Mister Harrison, did you! why i-"
Suddondly John was inerupted by David Bowie saying:
Six Flags wasn't open at night of corse, but David Bowie knowed how 2 break in.😉

After evry1 had putted on their clothes back on, they went in John Lennos party bus which had lots of sparples and flames on it. they also dranked a lot of beer and eated some Takis™. David Bowie then open teh massive lock on the gates 2 Six Flags with a super duper cool Lisa Frank pen! "now its time 4 us to have fun at six flags my funky freaky gay bros" said David Bowie with a smug snirk. Paul McCartney could not help but screech with delight as he enterd the most fabulous and specail place on Planet Earth! Well, other then Jhons  Lemmons juicy wet bunghole, of course.😫
Keith Rischard then pushed a button rhart turn on all of the rides at once! "this will make it moar thrilling and excitimg and good" he said as he snoked a Welch's™ fruit snacks doobie he maked all by himself! John then yanked Paul's arm and bringed him 2 the Kingda Ka roller coaster! "bih we have 2 do this mate" he whispered in2 Paul's ear. "but that makes me pukey wukey" Paul said as he blushed at Kohn. "jump on this moving ride with me or well never do the peenie pooper cha cha again!!" John hissed in2 Paul's tembling ear. " ok I'll do it" he said like a timid mouse. So they runned really really really really fast as they tried 2 catch the super duper fast Kingda Ka roller coaster moving om it's own! John tucked Paul umder his arm like a sexy twink football 🏈(btw at this point John Lennon was dressed as John not as Jane) and jumped really high in2 the high velosity roller coaster. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" roared John like a big-cocked manly man. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" squealed Pau like a tru bottom bitch.
the ride was so super duper fucking fast! Pail thougt this was almoast as thrilling and intense as the way Jogn pounded his tight pleasure hole! He letted out a scream of joy as John keeped a brave face like a true manly man with a big nutsack. when they where done ridong the Kingda Ka, they jumped off really gracefully. "SNACK TIME!!!1!" yelled Rogher Dlatrey. Every1 beginned chowing down on the yunny snacks, bcuz they were really tired from all the adrennalyne from riding the rides, and riding each others weenuses!😳 Paul reached 4 a vanilla ice ceram cone but was stopped by Johns hand slapping his cheek! "bih u gotta do a dance 4me furst" John said as his face look extra hamdsome. So Pau pulled up his tanktop, revealing his gorjis white tummy, and started 2 do the smexiest belly dance on Planet Earth! Even Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ would think this was pretty damn hawt AF. John tried 2 stop himself from wanking his willy as Oaul did the little shimmy shammy. "ok you can have ur ice cream now Macca" John sayed as if he was about 2 orgasm. "thank u John-san" cooed Paul as he licked the cold treat!
This was such an amazing and hawt Dirty 30 birthday, Paul thinked.
He couldn't wait 2 turn 31.

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