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(Made by xuwuchan: Play Song above when told. Small TW for the song.)

thoughts are '...'

speech is "..."

author notes are (...)

As I was walking out of school none other than Kacchan rammed into me, causing me to rebound onto the floor. I was bleeding and felt tears begin to prick my eyes. "Watch where you're going you shitty fucking nerd, you're worthless."

I was walking home as the cold damp wind flew over me, moving my green locks with it. As I approached my house I fumbled through my wallet to grab my keys. Whilst unlocking the door, I was greeted by none other than my father, drunk and asleep on the sofa. I walked upstairs and peered into my parent's bedroom to see my sleeping mother, at least she wasn't beaten from what I can see. I closed the door and walked into my room. Just as I had plopped down onto my bed to treat my wounds from earlier my father barged into the room. "Think you could just fucking dodge me? What a little shit. Get your fucking ass over here." He approached me as tears began to welt in my eyes. "Awe, don't cry yet. I haven't even fucking started, therefore..." He began to kick me in the stomach and punch me in the ribs, I'm pretty sure he broke at least a rib. After hours of physical and verbal abuse from my father, he left. And no, not the house. No matter how much I prayed as an atheist he still never left. I sat in a pool of my own blood and tears as I began to question whether I should cease to exist or not. 'It's not like Kachan or my father would care. My mother on the other hand that's a different story. I don't want to hurt her. So I'll do the next best thing..

I stood up and walked to my dresser. As I opened a compartment I squatted and peered in, fumbling my hand around in an attempt to find the blades. I pulled my hand out just as my eyes landed on the beautiful mini carved wooden case. I felt tears pricking my eyes as I might just finally be able to feel pain. As I walked into the bathroom I set the box on the sink and then rolled up my sleeve. I looked at my virgin arms and began to smile. I had never tried this before, therefore I couldn't be numb to it, right? I took out my phone and some earbuds and listened to a specific song. (Play Song Above Now.) 

(sensitive topic ahead <3)

I hummed the lyrics until it got to the part after "When they be proud of me, it's getting harder to see." Once I heard the certain verse begin I pressed the blade down onto my skin seeing small beads of blood form, I winced and then dragged the blade across my arm. It stung but I felt the sweet release of all the pressure, hate, anxiety, ect.. that was piling up inside of my mind and body. I slid the blade over both of my arms at least 30 times until I felt black dots in my eyes form in my vision.

(you may read)

 I stopped and cleaned my arms before wrapping them. Just then, another certain verse came on which made me think of my mom. 'She cares..' I flopped onto my bed with my arms stinging and fell asleep hugging a pillow. The dream I had consisted of all the events that happened yesterday but x10 scarier.  No...NO!!!





I slammed down onto my alarm with a groan. I got up and got ready, brushing my teeth, dressing, re-wrapping my arms, grabbing my wallet and keys, etc. I walked downstairs to see my dad sober for once. He said in a monotone voice that we were going to be moving into the dormitories today and to go pack my stuff. I quickly rushed upstairs thinking of everything I need. I packed a few posters, my blades, cigarettes, a lighter, booze, clothes, some figurines, and some other stuff. I rushed back downstairs and headed off to school with a heavy bag. I bolted into school and to my desk trying not to break any limbs. As I sat down, the bell rang and others started to rush in with their belongings as well. After everyone was seated Mr. Aizawa walked in and began to explain. where our dorms would be. After the bell rang he said we would be unpacking into our dorms. 

(Time skip brought to you by Katsuki's secret crush o_o)

The bell rang, I grabbed my things and headed over to the dorms. On the way, I accidentally bumped into Kacchan which caused a blade to fall out. I froze in my tracks as kacchan gave me a death glare. I quickly picked it up again played it off perfectly. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I know this loo-looks bad but it's for an art project I'm doing. I need it to shave away pieces of um..wood. So.. yeah. Sorry, Kacchan and yes I will leave now sorry for wasting your ti-" I felt arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug. I opened my eyes and Kacchan was.. hugging me? ME? He pulled out of the hug and glared at me again. "It was just a hug, don't get over yourself, shitty nerd." I realized I was blushing and quickly picked up everything that fell and ran off. I took a glance at the paper in my hands stating where my dorm was. I walked inside the building and it was a very pretty building. Decorated nicely and built well. I made my way to my room and unpacked everything. I hid the booze, weed, cigarettes, and blades in a very secure spot.

(AnonymousWolfyy takes over qwp)

I then head over to my bed, I still can't get over Kacchan hugging me. He told me it was just a hug but... it felt..more than that. I shook the thought out of my head and stood up. I grabbed my dark green hoodie and threw it on and then grabbed my red shoes and headed out of my dorm room with my key and locked the door while headed downstairs to meet with everyone who was in the lounge chatting. One person catches my gaze, Kacchan. I walked up to Uraraka who was sitting next to her. "Hey, Ura, Iida, how's it going?" I asked them with a fake smile. They stare at me with what I think was a disgusted look," Oh, nothing Deku!" she says with fake happiness, or maybe it was my mental state that was making me think everyone hates me because, for some reason, I feel like they aren't really my friends. Ever since we took time off last week I could feel them drifting away. I just smiled at them and headed off. Just as I was about to head upstairs, I heard one of our classmates yell something. "Let's do a dorm room contest! The classmate with the best dorm wins!", exclaims what I believe is Mina. I felt dread wash over me, I still had some of my stuff out. I quickly rush upstairs without being noticed and slid into my room, my room had a faded green look with a hardwood floor, my bed was in the top right of my room with a table stand next to it. To the left of my room had my desk that had a walk-in closet next to it. In front of my bed had my dresser. In between my bed and dresser had my own built-in bathroom. I locked my door and started to hide the rest of my blades in my secret compartment, which was just a small wounded box pushed all the way in the back of my closet hidden behind boxes. I had one blade out so it can be easy to access so I hid it inside of a first aid kit. I made sure nothing would be suspicious for when my 'friends' came by to check my room. I plopped on my bed hoping they will forget my room, I went on my phone to pass the time.

---lazo time skippo---

Just as I placed my phone down a knock sounded throughout my dorm, I went to my door and unlocked it to see everyone but Tokoyami, Mineta, and Aoyama there. "Hey, Midodude! We're here to check your room for the contest!" Says a beaming Kirishima. "N-No thanks Kiri, I decided to pass on the c-contest.." I said hoping it will work. Nope. Kacchan just pushes through everyone," K-Kacchan! I just said I didn't want to do it!," I said while waving my arms signaling a dismissal. He makes a small 'tsk' sound and waved everyone off. I was confused at first and went to ask him but he raises his hands before I can even speak. "Listen, nerd, don't think I don't notice but you're actin' pretty weirder than usual", he says while shoving his hands into his pockets. 'I'm. Acting weirder than usual!? Who the hell caused me to suffer this way when in elementary school and middle school!', I said thinking to myself while rolling my eyes. "Nothings wrong Kacchan, you can go now", I said while walking off. I completely froze up seeing what I left on my bed. Before I knew it...

Kacchan saw it too...

Wolfy: Eee >w< the prologue is doooone!! This was so much fun to make! Hoped you guys enjoyed it just as much as I did!!

Madi: (xuwuchan) AhHhhhHHH YAY! SO happy with how this is starting, what do you guys think? =^ ^=

(484 words)

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