.:Chapter 2:.

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(Madi: long part, as promised. ;)  

started 12/17/19 )

Izuku's POV

"Then show me your arms."

'Shoot! He didn't just ask that... I must've heard that wrong...?' "Sorry.. could you repeat that?" I looked him in the eyes trying to play off a genuinely confused look. "You heard me, nerd. I'm not repeating myself." I swallowed the lump in my throat confidently. "Am I allowed to say no.." "JUST SHOW ME YOUR FUCKING ARMS." I jumped at his loud voice and tears began to fill my eyes. "Nonono.. shh." He pulled me into a hug and grabbed me at the end of my hand, just barely touching my wrist. I flinched and remembered that I had put the foundation on my arms before I exited the dorm. He began to unwrap the bandages as I began to gain a sense of confidence and began to put my trust into the foundation not rubbing off or having a clearance shine through. 

Bakugou's POV

I began to unwrap the nerd's bandages and to my surprise, all I saw was a bit of redness and a bruise on his arm where I grabbed at. "Oh, I'm sorry for not believing you." I then spotted the small dot of blood on the bandages and covered it so Deku didn't see it. "Yeah... it's whatever I don't really care. Thanks for stopping by though, I appreciate it." He stood up and began to tidy his room up a bit. I approached the door but before I walked out I looked at Deku. "...Deku.. please promise me you'll tell me if anything is wrong..ever." The greenette turned around and looked him in the eyes. 

".....I promise."

(time skip brought to you by my tired self, writing at midnight. ;p )

Izuku's POV

I was in the elevator, waiting to hear the 'ding'  to signal that I have reached the bottom floor. I heard the signal and waited for the doors to open. As I stepped out of the elevator a certain someone caught my gaze. It was Kacchan. I awkwardly started to blush out of embarrassment and walked with my head down so I don't have to make eye-contact with Kacchan. I played with the strings of my hoodie until I accidentally rammed into a wall. In the corner of my eye, I saw Kacchan roll his eyes and giggle a little bit. I just ran off and made my way to the lobby to watch TV. "Woah, did you see that awesome power move that that hero did?!" I glanced up to see Kaminari literally only a centimeter away from the TV. "You're gonna kill your eyesight you fucking ripoff Pikachu,"  Kacchan said. I kinda chuckled a little bit before I heard Uraraka announce that dinner is ready. "Hey, guys dinners ready!" Everyone scurried into the kitchen quickly, I heard plates clanking and faint mumbles talking from the dining room. I looked down at my stomach. 'I could lose a bit of weight.. I'll just skip. Plus I'm not all that hungry.' I thought to myself until I saw a figure enter the room in the corner of my eye. It was.. Kacchan..?! "Hey nerd, why aren't you in the dining room? Are you deaf
or something, Uraraka said dinner is ready." Kacchan said questioning me. "Oh.. I'm not really all that hungry Kacchan.. I'll skip!" I fakely smiled nervously.  "Fuck, alright nerd." Kacchan strutted back into the kitchen and then I heard yelling. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" I heard Kacchan scream. 'What was that all about?' I slowly rose from the chair I was sitting in and walked into the kitchen. "Wh-what's going on..?" I asked in a tired and soft voice. I saw kacchan holding Yuga by his shirt from the neck hole. "This little shit made a remark on something that was EXTREMELY UNESSICARY." Kacchan rose his fist to Yuga's face. "No, Kacchan stop!" I shouted as my voice broke a little bit. "You don't understand what he said Deku." He glared at me. "Then why don't you tell me..?" Kacchan's face sunk and then he put on an angry expression. "You don't want to know." He flung Yuga across the room into a wall. "What a psycho," Yuga commented. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kacchan screamed at him. I was still confused so I walked over to Kacchan and tugged on his arm while pointing to the lounge signaling him that I'd like to speak to him. His face relaxed and he moved along to the lounge with me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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