Not My Alley

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Hayden was walking along the dark streets of the small town. The dim street lights were the only source of light besides the full moon. The streets were mostly quiet except for a few drunken bastards here and there and dumpster diggers looking for scraps. Hayden was dressed in black. Black boots, black jeans, black hoodie and even a black weapons belt that was hidden by a cloak he had draped over him. He kept his head down and his gaze low, his hood covering half his face. He avoided everyone he could and avoided walking down the alleys. He past a few drunks stumbling and falling. In the shadowed corner of a building, he saw a couple making out; he guessed they were drunk as well, seeing that they were standing on broken Vodka glasses.
Hayden kept walking. He turned right into an empty alley. Or at least, he thought it was empty. He kept walking down the alley. A thick fog was taking over the narrow walkway. His vision was limited to a few feet. He looked up, and saw something. 'What the hell?' He thought to himself. 'I'm starting to imagine things.' He shook it off and kept walking. All of a sudden, a black Raven landed beside of him and squawked as if saying "You shouldn't have walked this way." He ignored the Raven and kept walking. The black bird of death circled him.
He came to a dead end. He looked around, not remembering a dead end ever being around this alley. He walked the same alley every night. Something had to have been wrong.
"What the hell is going on here?" He asked no one in particular. He made a full circled, trying to figure out what was wrong. All of a sudden, he heard a noise. He caught the outline of a shadow out of the corner of his eye. He looked at the shadow figure.
"You seem confused" the mysterious figure said in a low, intimate voice that made the hairs on the back of Hayden's neck stand up.
"Who the hell are you?" Hayden put his hand on the hilt of a dagger he carried in a sheath attached to his belt.
"The name, my friend, is Zachery" said the shadow figure as he walked towards Hayden.


My heart sped up. I couldn't say what was going on because, well, I have no idea. I kept my hand on the hilt of my dagger, just to be safe. The strange man, Zachery, walked closer to me. As he came nearer and nearer, my hand tightened around the hilt. As he came closer, I noticed that he was around my age, but taller and more broader. As I caught sight of a long sword slung across Zachery's back, I started to back up, knowing that I stood no chance of winning a fight with him. The boy wore a devilish grin across his face. I noticed his hair was dirty blond and he had these eyes that I'm sure could sweep anyone, no matter of their sexuality, off of their feet. My heart skipped a beat as I caught his gaze. I swallowed a lump in my throat and backed up. That was a mistake. I had backed up into a dark corner.
"Now you have trapped yourself" Zachery said, intimately, as he came closer. His eyes were deep blue that shined from the moon's light.
"If you are going to kill me..." I started to say, but was cut off. Zachery had closed the distance between us and was close enough that, if I wanted to, I could kiss him. My breath caught and I couldn't move.
"What makes you think I want to kill you?" Zachery smirked. "If I wanted to even harm you, I would have done so already." He put a hand on the wall beside of my head, putting me in a partial trap.
All of a sudden, that Raven, the same one who had squawked at me, landed on Zachery's shoulder. The Raven stared deep into my eyes, like, like he was trying to tell me something.
Zachery started to pet the bird of death. "This, boy, is Edgar, my Raven. He saw you come into my alley" he said as he stroked the bird.
"Your alley? What do you mean?" I was confused. I could have sworn that I walked this very same alley every night.
The Raven flew onto a lamppost. "What is your name?" Zachery asked as he looked me over. I felt chills go through my whole body.
"W-why do you want to know?" I answered him with a question. I didn't know this guy. I only knew his name, but a name means nothing. It can not tell you anything about a person other than what people call them.
Zachery smirked that devil's smirk and said, "because, I think you are quite cute." He started to get intimate, and real quick. He put his other hand beside my head, completely caging me against the cool brick building.
I swallowed and tried to speak, but nothing came out. I blushed, and I knew it because I could feel my face heat up. I had to admit, Zachery was pretty hot. He had dirty blonde hair and those bright blue eyes. I finally was able to speak, and said, " name is H-Hayden." I stuttered. I. Stuttered. Damn it! Why did I have to stutter? And in front of a hot guy? Things couldn't get any worse.
"Well, Hayden," he started laughing. "You are blushing" He smiled. Ah, his smile. That really got me going. I couldn't help it. I was sinking, no, falling, falling into a bottomless cavern that no one could escape.
I pulled my cloke back over my face, trying to hide my ever so blushing face. "No-no I am not" I lied.
"Yes...yes you are." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you lying to me?" He raised a brow.
"N-no...I..." I couldn't speak. Oh, God, this boy is so fuckin' hot. I felt myself start to get turned on. I twisted a bit, trying to hide it. It was no use because as I done so, Zachery put his knee right at my crotch.
Zachery leaned closer to me. His lips brushed against my ear when he said, "I can help you with that, if you want."
I moaned. Yes, I moaned. This boy who I had just met and who I don't even know, turned me on. And now he wants to... Oh God, help me so. I don't know what to do. I just...stood there, speechless.
Zachery smirked at me. He brushed my cheek with his lips. He leaned against me, pinning me against the building. I kept moaning. I couldn't help it. I was turned on. No one has ever been able to turn me on before. Zachery pinned me against the wall with his body. He leaned close to me. We locked eyes for what seemed like forever. Then our lips collided. His soft and warm against mine. He tasted of salt and...vinegar? Yes, that's how I shall describe it. Vinegar. He is bitter but sweet all at the same time. He kept kissing me. He made low intimate sounds deep in his throat. Wanting and dangerous. Very dangerous indeed.
Zachery started to rub against me. He looked me in the eyes. He seemed to realize something...

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