The Green Eyed Goddess

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"Dude, did you see the news today?"  Asked a very pumped-up Kaminari to the rest of class 1A,   " the LOV (league of villans) is really at it this month. This is the third shipment of hero supplies that they have demolished. "    He was referencing the LOV attack on a ship heading toward the port with hero supplies, like gauntlets, helmets, and masks, as well as some medical supplies that were dearly needed in the hero life.     "No, I haven't"   , said Jiro, looking at Lida, who shrugged. 

" What was the ship called? Asked Kirishima, was anyone hurt? ".        Kaminari glanced down at his phone again, so he could answer the question right.    "It was called the "Green Eyed Goddess" , and they have not found any survivors yet".    Kirishima frowned, worried.  "Heroes need those supplies! It's so unmanly if t hem to destroy the things that they need a that they can have the upper hand. And the poor crew and their families! It's so uncool, man.".          " The Green Eyed Goddess "?  

Asked Izuku, sticking his head in the door, just finished with his training for his new quirk (manga readers, you know about it, to anime only people... You will know eventually, I'm sure).     That's my father's ship, he is very proud of it. He named it after my mother, hence "Green Eyed"  did something happen?". His voice trailed off as he noticed the others faces.   THhen, Bakago said, his voice surprisingly gentle,  "the LOV attacked another ship, Midoria. They attacked that one". Izuku's face paled, and he said, In a shaky, uncertain voice, "a-any s-urvoivours?".        Todoroki signed and said, in a cautious coice, "we don't know, Midoria. We don't know.".  Ukaraka slowly walked over to Midoria, and touched his shoulder, making him jump.  "Are you o kay?" Asked a worried Mina and Ochako .  the tense silence was broken with a    "What's up, guys?" Asked All Might, walking into the room, I thought that  I heard fighting up here". He looked around, and then saw Izuku trying not to break down by the outside door entryway.   "Midoria my boy, is everything all right?" He asked with a kind smile.  Izuku suddenly bolted up the stairs, evidently using one for all, as he left little green lighting bolts in his wake.   All Might looked at Bakgou, imminently assuming that he had done something and opened his mouth to say some thing, when Bakagou said.  "The ship that his dad owned, and the one that he was traveling on, was attacked by the LOV, and there have been no reported survivours. " 

All Might was shocked into silence for a moment, remembering when his father had died in a similar fashion. (Idk if that actually happened ) "is Midoria all right? Did he say anything?".  Ochako opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by a splintering, shattering noise from outside.   They all rushed to the windpw, to see Midoria kicking and punching through tree after tree after tree.  All Might rushed outside, as Midoria punched through another tree, Anand then sank to his knees.  All Might approached, and slowly put his arms around Izuku, who fell into the embrace, sobbing.  All Might lifted one hand and waved away Eraser head and a few security gaurds , and then placed his hand on Midoria's  head, fiddling his hair, and they stayed that way until Izuku fell asleep. All Might picked him up and carried him t o his room, and called his mother, who had just seen it on the news, and consoles her.

              Later, after the ffuneral

Izuku slowly walked back to the form rooms, ignoring  the sympathetic looks from his classmates, however much he appreciate ed them, he never enjoyed sympathy.  But the one thought that stuck in his head as he got over the loss, day after day, was that while he had lost his dad, he knew that he had gained another.

YAay!! 692 words! Have a good day and behave in school or i will make Midoria die. Th a la for reading! Please leave a comment saying who your favourite character is, and why. 

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