A Talk (Part Two)

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"Now I know this isn't really my business but..how is your...home life Max?" I said...I didn't want to be too upfront about things because that would scare Max off and he wouldn't answer my questions if that happened.
"Fine." Max plainly answered
"Do you get..fed enough?" I asked carefully..

"The fuck is this?? A therapy session!?" Max shouted at me
I sat back a bit more in my chair since his voice was very loud.."I- uh...Max I just need to know that you are doing well here and at home." I say seeming confident in myself and my answers. "Everything. Is. FINE. David." Max said in a angry tone. I then mumbled "Apparently not."...which I will tell you now..was a big mistake. "THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" Max Yelled. I'm sure you could hear Max yelling all the way at the Mess Hall. "I-I-i...Max, please calm down." I said trying to sound confident-ish but I could tell I was horribly failing at that. "You know what? Fuck. You. David. FUCK YOU." Max threw up the bird.. he then set my phone down at my desk and began heading toward the door."Max..wait! No! Don't leave we still need to talk!" I begged...Max continued walking toward the door.."Max..I saw what happened in the woods.." I paused..'where am I going with this? Max already knows I saw him...maybe I'll make up a fib so he'll tell me more.. oh hooey'.."I'm sure you wouldn't like the other campers hearing about that ..correct?"...it sounded like a threat but I knew I wouldn't tell anyone about what happened. I could tell Max was hurting.. Max froze.."How would the other campers-....You wouldn't..!..I DONT want to fucking talk to you!! SO GO TELL EVERYONE THAT I HAVE PARENTS WHO ARE PIECES OF SHIT AND THAT I FUCKING \HATE/ MYSELF..G-go fucking tell them David."...Max Shouted...now that you could Definitely hear in the Mess Hall..which means they heard all of that..oh no. "Max...I-" Max sprinted out the door.

I ran and ran and ran and ran...then I stopped and sat down. I recognized where I was because of one of the hikes David took us on.. it was miserable. Also ew David...piece of shit. ._.
Jesus Christ maybe I should just off myself.. it'd probably make everyone happy. Meh then again...my parents could just do that for me*shrugs*
Hours passed by of me just sitting and thinking.
It grew a darker blue outside and the next thing that I knew I was heading back toward camp. I saw Nikki, Neil etc. at the Bonfire on my way to my tent.. Many of the campers saw me..they said nothing..they just stared at me as I walked to my tent. It made me mad. When I got in my tent I collapsed onto my cot and began quietly crying..not much but I was still crying.

"David, why is Max in such a bad mood?" Spacekid questioned... "Don't worry about it Spacekid" I frowned..I felt terrible. I made Max feel terrible..I somehow frowned even more for a second before putting a fake smile back on my face. "I heard him yelling earlier..what happened?" Nikki also questioned.. Neil elbowed Nikki in the side and whisper yelled at her "Nikki!" ...I replied with.."We really shouldn't be talking about this." The rest of the Bonfire was pretty quiet. Except for the occasional chatter from the other campers.

————————The Next Day———————

—(I'm sorry for changing POVs so much)—

As soon as I woke up I rubbed the tired from my eyes, got coffee, and then i sat on my cot for what was probably about an hour or two. My head felt stuffy and I had a terrible migraine. 'ugh somebody kill me' No one had bothered to try waking me up this morning..which makes sense because David was probably embarrassed or feeling sorry for himself and the other campers knew I was going to be in a very bad mood today due to all the screaming and stuff that happened yesterday. What was weird is that Neil and Nikki didn't even try waking me up though..which they would normally do. Maybe they were scared I was going to blow up on them if they woke me up. Heh yeah I probably would've been pissed..so that's good judgement on their part. Suddenly I hear footsteps approach my tent..'this is going to be a long day' from the outside I hear..Neil say "Max?? Are you awake"...Neil pops his head into the tent to see if I'm awake.."No I'm totally sleeping still" I roll my eyes. "Max do you want to come out of the tent? Today is a free day so we can go on a adventure like usual."...Neil says warily..."How about we \don't/ go on an adventure today? Or just you and Nikki could go I don't really fucking care all I know is that I'm not going to waste another free day on some stupid fucking adventure that's just going to waste our time and most likely screw us-....me over. *shrugs*"
I say in a not so happy tone of voice. "Ok" Neil says...Neil steps back from the tent and i soon walk out of the tent and head toward the dock where I end up sitting and dangling my feet in the water...'what if I slipped right now...wonder if I'd float..' I look away from the water to shake away those thoughts and begin taking glances at the other campers..just to see what they're up to. Neil soon awakes me from my thoughts with..."So...What uh-...what happened yesterday?...if you don't mind me asking." Neil asked in a very hesitant tone. "David was just being a fucking idiot and "worrying about me" for some stupid reason so I told him like it is.."...I said nonchalantly. "Max...I don't want to...alarm..you, but I feel as if it would be better hearing this from me instead of finding out about it later.. most of the- uh- other campers heard what you yelled at David..and-" Neil scoots a little further from me just Incase.. i- i dunno yell at him??...anyway I can feel my face getting red from embarrassment...oh god. "Whatever they were going to find out sooner or later." I say trying to play it off..

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