𝙊𝙣𝙚 ~ Free Birds

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So the story begins with me and my brother Frank getting the fuck out of the city. Pretty straight forward, right?

"Maisie!" Frank exclaimed from pretty much the other side of the house, "come on! We gotta get the fucking hell out of here!"

    Frank barreled into the room, took my arm and pulled me from my position on the couch. Without any more words, I rushed to my room, grabbed my backpack and stuffing in extra clothes, my sketchbook and pencils, instant coffee mixes, and- er- Feminine products... On my way out, the door my plain black jacket, and my brother and I made haste out to door. We were finally getting away Better Living constantly dictating our every move, tired of being in a flock of sheep.

     As we ran hand-in-hand down our road and through the streets of the city, sirens were heard in the distance. We knew that BL/ind were on to us. We had contact with killjoy a smuggler who said he could get us out of this god forsaken city; now, some of our neighbors knew about it and they reported us to the corrections facility. Those goody-goodies were wrapped around BL/ind's hypothetical finger.

    We didn't look back as we ran. We had nothing left there. Our parents were both under the influence of the pill, rendering them as mindless, BL/ind worshipping sheep. They weren't themselves anymore. The two amazing, selfless people that raised me were gone. Replaced with those pea brained zealots.

Frank was torn. Even more so than I was. He blamed himself. He always said that he should have known about the pill and warned them. But how could he have known? No one did, so why would he? BL/ind wanted it to be a silent spread project.

How he and I had avoided taking it was kind of an odd coincidence. Back when they first administered it to the public, it was passed off as a drug that would cure far-sightedness, as dumb as it sounds. Both my parents were far sighted and wore glasses, so they both jumped on the idea of having 20/20 vision.

At first it worked wonders. Mom and Dad didn't have to wear glasses anymore and they were ecstatic. After half the city was blessed with 20/20 vision, Better Living then created a brand new pill that would cure every chronic illness.

You heard me right, every single chronic illness ever; And for a while it worked. The people of the city were overjoyed.

Frank and I however, were always skeptical. We always knew something was up, but we were unsure of what it could have been. The idea of a miracle pill was way too bizarre, and far from being 100% legit. They even made a goddamn MouseKat episode on it, showcasing propaganda for the kids. (look it up on youtube)

Then one day, everyone was dull. Just all of the sudden turned to zombies that bent to Better Living's will. Emotionless. Robots.

    Then we knew for a fact; Better Living could not be trusted.

We had to live with our mindless parents for two years afterward. We had to act as if we were on the pills, sticking to the same daily routine of wake up, eat, work, come home, watch whatever was on regulation TV, go to sleep, repeat. It was absolutely mind numbing. We'd always fantasize about escaping and joining the killjoys, and now our dream was becoming a reality.

    A unit car turned the corner to the street we were on and Frank pulled me into an alleyway. We both pressed ourselves against the brick wall behind a dumpster and held our breaths. Frank looked at me with fear filled eyes and I squeezed his hand tighter.

    "We'll be okay." He whispered.

    The unit car stopped right smack in front of the opening. I silently prayed that they wouldn't get out and look. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as my mind raced at a hundred miles per hour. I could hear blood pumping next to my ears, and let me tell you, it was not pleasant.

    After what seemed like an hour, the unit car finally passed and we were on our way again. I let out the breath I had no idea I was holding in.

    It was dark out, so there were no people out, making it easier to get around unnoticed. The winding roads and lower alleys of Bat City were tough to navigate, especially at this hour without a map. Adding to that, since all the motor vehicles are capable of flying over the city, there was zero traffic down here. You couldn't follow cars to the nearest exit. It was never that easy.

   There was an occasional porno droid in alleys, but they weren't snitches

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   There was an occasional porno droid in alleys, but they weren't snitches. I'd seen Frank bring them home sometimes- well, enough to know how they functioned. Apparently, the personality depended on the programming. All of them were different. Also adding on to that, my brother is a slut.

    We had to find a man named 'Felony Steve'. Apparently, he was the one who's get us through the city wall and to Dr. Death Defying. Frank pulled a map of the city out of his back pocket and unfolded it, revealing a red circle on the place we would meet him.

We navigated our way through the city as well as we could without being in the open. There were unit cars patrolling the lower streets everywhere we looked. They apparently were fixed on getting us. I didn't understand why; I mean we were just two helpless teenagers.

"You two are the Ieros?" A shorter man with cropped purple hair and a colorful sweater asked us from the shadows once we reached the wall.

"Yes, and I assume you're Felony Steve?" I responded, out of breath.

"The one and only." He smiled cheekily. "Now listen carefully; the way out of the city is through the hidden tunnel there," he pointed to a large hole in the wall, "you're going to have to go through there. Once you come out on the other side you'll see three men; one with black hair, one with blonde and one with blue. They'll take you to Dr. Death Defying. There's no time left, so go. I'll cause a distraction." He rushed as he lead us both to the hole. He pushed us both through, and after glancing at each other and nodding, Frank and I started running.

How was this??
Give me your feedback! Does it need things added, taken away??
                   Please let me know!!

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