The Truth

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Y/n pov

Koneko: We need to talk ... Now.

I stand there like an idiot. But soon my mind came back to me.

Y/n: Sure but you know it's late right? Wait how long were you outside my door for?

Koneko: Rias send me a text to us in a group chat that you got up. Also sorry if it's late but I need to speak with you.

I open the door for her and when we got in there was not much stuff but the room had boxes in it. There was a table and a couch but that it not T.V, lamps, or even anything. The living room was connected to the kitchen but there were boxes all over the counters.

Y/n: Sorry still have not had finish unboxing my stuff from my old place.

Koneko: And how long have you been here?

Y/n: Umm a month or so but transporting my stuff was a pain * I rub the back of my head* and I don't have much money to get other stuff. Anyway, would you like something to drink?

Koneko: Water would just be fine.

As I went to get Koneko her water she sat by the table.

Y/n: Soooo what you wanted to talk about?

I ask her as I sat down across the table. Koneko took a minute to respond but when she did, I was sweating.

Koneko: How do you know Kuroka?

Just looking at her you can see the anger in her. Well, I can't tell her what she is doing and if I tell her my story who knows what is going to happen.

Y/n: Who? *try to play it cool*

Koneko's eyes felt like she was staring into my soul and I can just feel the anger from her.

Koneko: Bullshit, you call me Shirone and the only people who knew my other name is Rias, her brother, Akeno, Kiba and ... Kuroka. So I will ask again, how do you know Kuroka and if you don't tell me I will report this to Rias.

I sat there trying to find out a way to get out but I can't think of a way without getting myself in trouble with the devils.

Y/n: I can't tell you ...

Before I could finish Koneko rush me and punch me in the gut. Koneko may be small but don't forget she is a rook. When she hit me I flew and hit my wall.

Koneko: Tell me!

She tries to rush me again but before she could I made a portal in front of her that open to my backyard. She notices but she was to slow to stop herself from entering the portal. When she went outside I then teleport on top of my roof. I look down at her and saw tears in her eyes. I then try to read her soul and all there was a mix of anger and sadness.

Koneko: Why ... Why won't you tell me what your connection to my sister!

She then jump at me to try to punch me again but with her not having a cool mind I can read her movement like an open book. I just keep blocking her, she may have a good amount of raw power but she lacks the speed to use it.

Koneko: I trusted you so why can you tell me?

She just kept trying to hit me but it's no use.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

She tries to roundhouse kick me but I catch it with my right hand and toss her to the ground. I then jump down to her and look at her. She was exhausted from all the attacks she was trying to do. As I stand by her she grabs my leg and tried to move me but she does not have the energy to do so.

The trickster (highschool dxd x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now