Chapter 5

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Lit bit of cursing ahead you have been earned

* Olivia Hye's POV *
"Damn" I say as I now just noticed that I dropped the gift somewhere. Where can I have dropped it? I say to myself still wondering where I dropped there present. The last time I remember is when I was at the party getting accidentally " hit " by Gowon. I will look for it later I need to go find Jinsoul. I still need to find her for the project.

If that idiot still doesn't show up I will leave her to do the project. Anyway I still classes to attend to so maybe I should let her suffer by doing the project by herself. When I reach my class people were barely there and I just realized who my classmates are even though it's been a few months into the school year. Nevermind that if the teacher isn't here I can go look for the gift and hopefully they didn't open it yet. " Don't worry I am sure you will find her " Yeojin said. " I'm surprised you're still following me" I stated back. " We still have to Prank them though!" Yeojin said loudly. I swear I can't hear anymore because she just did that in a high pitched voice. I think I lost my hearing. " Fine but I got the perfect idea for it" I say laughing evilly.

* Chuu's POV

I can't believe it I now have the wonderful Kim Lip with me and I must say that cute Olivia Hye. Stop it brain. * Chuu hits her head for thinking about both of them *  "Hey Chuu you okay?" Kim lip says when she saw me hitting my head. " Yeah I'm just wondering what would Olivia Hye like so we can buy her something" I said as I started walking to class with Kim Lip. " I don't know maybe a new gaming console idk but make sure is something to do with gaming that's all I know that she likes I should know I may or may not unlocked her phone and saw what she wanted and it's really easy to get it's a PS4 that's all she wants " Kim Lip said.

" Okay but help me get it please?" I say using a cute voice." "Nope it's your turn to hangout with her and besides I already got my present for her and plus the first time I met her I got punched in the face that punched hurt" she said. " Please" I still beg her to go with me. "No, I have plans today and tomorrow plus why can't you ask Gowon for help" she asked me "because if I did that it wouldn't be considered my present because someone helped me" I responded. "Not my problem as long as I don't get punched I'm good." She said.

* Kim Lips POV *
I don't understand why can't she get it herself. If im being honest I wasn't paying attention to Chuu. I got bored so I stopped listening to her. We reached out classroom and when we sat down our hands were stuck to the desk " WTH" Chuu and I both responded. I swear I will kill who ever did this.

* Time Skip *
Chuu and I were going to our lockers getting our stuff before winter break. But when we opened our lockers glues splashed on us and feathers. Then I saw a sign saying you got pranked. I saw how sad Chuu was because people came over to where we are and started laughing at her. I now promised to kill the people who is responsible for this! MARK MY WORDS! I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!

---To be continued---
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I hope you guys stay safe and wear face masks and I will hopefully see you guys soon bye for now! )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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