Part 22

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It was approaching Christmas time and a certain seven year old only had one thing that she wants for Christmas. Black Sheep took out a paper and some crayons and in big red bubble letters at the top she wrote My Christmas List. Underneath she neatly drew a picture of her and another unknown person holding her hand.

She wanted a little sister for Christmas. She had been asking Coach Brunt for one for a few months now and Coach Brunt had told her to drop the subject because she wasn't getting one. But she figured it would be a fair trade to not get any presents and instead get a little sister.

When she finished making it look as amazing as possible hoping it would help convince Coach Brunt to let her have one she hid it in a place where she knew Coach Brunt would find it. And Find it Coach Brunt did later that day she sighed looking at the picture and turned back to see she had written please as many times as she could before she had run out of room.

Coach Brunt sighed rubbing her forehead. "Why couldn't she just asked for a goldfish" she muttered to herself.

Later that day she had taken Black Sheep to the side to explain why she couldn't have a little sister. It would be better to break it to her now than for her to be heartbroken on Christmas.

"You wanted to see me?" Black Sheep asked confuse sitting down next to Coach Brunt. Coach Brunt sighed.

"Black Sheep I saw your list and i'm sorry but your not getting a little sister"

"Why" Black Sheep asked unbothered she figured Coach Brunt was going to tell her that she was prepared to make a good argument. " is it because none of the girls are ovulating you could just adopt like me"

Coach Brunt spit the water that she was drinking all over the floor and Black Sheep patted Coach Brunts back as she sputtered and choked until she could finally pull herself together.

"Who told you about that!" Black Sheep shrugged not understanding why Coach Brunt was acting so weird.

"I asked Dr Bellum were babies came and she used sock puppets but it was really confusing she said something about when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much or something I stopped listening. I just looked it up in a book but didn't understand a lot of the words I remembered this one though because it sounded funny though I'm not exactly sure what it means.

Coach Brunt sighed relieved that Black Sheep had no idea what she was talking about and she was so going to have a talk with Dr Bellum later.

"No that's not why, you can't have a little sister because the faculty doesn't have the time to take care of another kid."

"I'll take care of her" Black Sheep protested.

"Oh really" Cach Brunt said coming up with an idea if she couldn't get it into Black Sheeps mind that she couldn't have one then she would make it so that she wouldn't want one.

"Your willing to share all your toys, your time with me, your bedroom and you'll never have anytime to yourself they pull your hair and break your stuff but I mean if you don't care maybe-"

"I don't want a sibling" Coach Brunt sighed relieved but her eyes lit up and she knew the battle was far from over with what Black Sheep said next.

"Can I have a puppy then?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

(This was just a short one sorry about that but I thought would wrap up nicely where it was I'm thinking of maybe doing a part two of this were dr bellum makes a dog robot for Black Sheep and if she can handle it they would consider getting her a dog and how it goes terribly wrong what do you think let me know, and im always happy for fee back and feel free to leave requests)

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