chapter 3

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(before we Begin. Just in case you didn't know.
Y/N (stands for your name)
Y/M/N (stands for your middle name)
Y/L/N (stands for your last name)
Y/N/N (stands for your nickname)

Third-person: POV:
Y/n y/m/n y/l/n
was her name but she usually,
went be Y/n/n if you asked anyone that knew her they would describe her as an odd young woman,
She wasn't like the other girls in her school,
she didn't wear makeup or gossip about other girls or go to sleepovers or parties,
Y/n was a quiet girl none of the kids in her school really talk to her or even try to talk to her they usually call her the outcast,
usually, the popular girls,
will make fun of her and call her names...

just because she was different from the rest.

Y/n POV: 
It's another cold day,
currently, I'm walking, home from school another, day of misery over thank goodness!
tomorrow's the weekend if I had to listen to those girls bully me for another hour I had a headache for the rest of the week!
I know my school years almost over but God!
those girls can give you a headache.
After a 15 minute walk, I finally make it to the front steps of my house..well my parents, House...anyways you get the idea,

I set my book bag down and grab my house keys out of it then I drew the book bag back over my shoulder, and open the door,
When I walked into the house I shut the door behind me and locked it.
the house is quiet,
Like usual, my parents are never home half of the time usually at work or they went somewhere without telling me where they are going, or what time they will come back,
In the meantime, until they get back...

I am home alone.

After I lock the door I walked through the hallway to the kitchen I get a snack because right now I am starving,
After I prepared myself a sandwich and Went to grab a bottled water from the refrigerator when I close the fridge door I see a note attached to the door by a magnet I set my water and sandwich down to grab the note.
I picked up the note off the fridge door and started to read it.

Dear. Y/n
Me and your father have left to go on a business trip we will be back in two weeks make sure the house is clean and make sure you do your homework.

From mom and dad.

"You have to be kidding me."

"they Just leave for two weeks out of nowhere?!
they didn't even say we love you or will miss you in the note all they care about is themselves.

"Why did they even have me in the first place if they don't even acknowledge I'm even here or care about me?
I sighed and crumbled up the piece of paper and drew in the trash bin I grabbed my sandwich and water bottle I sat on the counter and ate after I finish my sandwich I headed upstairs to my bedroom,

"After I walked up all the stairs I finally made it to the attic,
and yes my bedroom is located in the attic I had this bedroom since the day they brought me home from the hospital,
I always ask them why they choose to put me in the attic, but every time I asked them they changed the subject or say it was the best place for me to be or I belong there.

Soon as I walked into my small room I was greeted by my Blue-eyed cat Eckert,
He greeted me soon as I walked in the room
by happily meowing,
I found Eckert when he was just a kitten.
I found him on the side of the road when I was walking home from school one day,
so I bring him home and took care of Him
and now he's kind of like my little sidekick/Little brother.

I bent down and scratched his little head after I did he walked to the door into the hallway,
After Eckert left the room to go explore the house I set my bookbag on the floor I walked over to my bed and plopped on it,
I let out a sigh it looked up at the ceiling when I did I saw the beautiful artwork I did a couple of years back.
the ceiling and the walls of my tiny room was painted light green with different flowers and birds paint onto the walls,
That's one of my favorite things to do is paint, other things I like to do is read and listen to music I don't have an iPhone like any other teenager so I go to the little shop a couple of blocks, away from here that sells records,

"I know no one uses records anymore but I found a small record player downstairs in the closet So miles to put it to good use,
I didn't have any homework for this weekend so I got up and walk to my little vanity on the other side room where my record player was sitting on the floor next to Tiny vanity was a box that was filled with the records I've been collecting.
I looked through my collection After a couple of minutes I decided to listen to F/M/A/
(favorite music artist.)
I took it out and put it on my record player in the music begin to Play
The first song was Y/F/S/
(your favorite song.)

Y/n walked back over to her bed and plopped herself back onto the bed immediately regretting it because she merely hit Her head on something hard,

"Ouch!! what the heck!?"
She said sitting straight up in rubbing the back of her head, she turned around and looked at what she hit her head on it was an A wooden box??

"Wa- wait.. was that there before??"
Y/n asked herself.

Y/n/n looked at the little wooden box.
the box is very beautiful It had flower carvings on top of the lid.
she, slowly reached forward to grab the box gently, her soft hands touching the rough surface of the wooden box she turned around and sat the little box on her lap,
she stared at it Taking in the beautiful carvings on the box.
slowly, she opens the box her eyes wide and what she saw inside was a beautiful Blue diamond necklace, it was absolutely breathtaking.

"Wow," she whispers,Gently, she took it out of the box, With the necklace in her hands she, Unclip the necklace and put it around her neck after she put it on the set the box down on her bed and walked over to her vanity and looked in the mirror, ...

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"Wow," she whispers,
Gently, she took it out of the box,
With the necklace in her hands she,
Unclip the necklace and put it around her neck after she put it on the set the box down on her bed and walked over to her vanity and looked in the mirror,
A small smile appeared on her face while she saw her reflection in the mirror the necklace fitted perfectly, around her neck like it was personally made for her.

"There is no way mom and dad got me this"
she said looking in the mirror,

She sighed then she unclips the necklace gently put it on her vanity then she walked over to her dresser and pulled out some pajamas after she did that she walked out of her room into the bathroom to take a shower,
After she was done in the shower and put her pajamas on she walked back to her bedroom,
Y/n was so exhausted she didn't realize it was nighttime already how long was she in the shower?

"I finally made it back to my room I open my door in my room was dark already maybe because it's winter in the days are shorter,
I turned on my light I looked over where my record player was on the floor it wasn't playing music anymore,
I walked over to investigate and what I saw it went through the whole record already?
"How is that even possible?
the records really long and I was only in the shower like 10 minutes??
In the corner of my eye, I see something blue I turn my head and I see the necklace,
I grabbed it and put it around my neck,
I turn my light off and walk to my bed I pulled back the covers and lay down soon as I lay down Eckert jumped on the bed and laid beside me.
Eckert saw the necklace and he started meowing,
"It's beautiful isn't it," I said to him I always talk back to him like he's an actual person,
I know it's silly but who else do I have to talk to
After a couple of minutes, my eyes became heavy and I soon fell asleep.

After the young girl fell asleep,
The midnight hour had arrived in the necklace she had around her neck begin to glow.

Hey, everyone, I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter and sorry it took so long a lot of crazy stuff has happened this week so I hope you guys enjoy this and I love you my little roses bye❤️❤️❤️

The timeless. //written by CallmeChristine57 Where stories live. Discover now