Chapter 5

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Chelsea's Point of View

After dinner and my little... episode... I went upstairs and played music on my phone. I just shuffled through my play list on Spotify.

Stephanie knocked on the doorframe and leaned against it, until I looked up. She tossed me a box.

"What's this?" I asked looking down at the wrapped box.

"Open it." Duh, like I wasn't going to.

So I tore through the wrapping paper and found the IPhone six plus box. I looked back and forth between Stephanie and the box.

"Is this a joke?" I opened the box and THERE WERE JELLY BEANS IN IT!

She broke down laughing and handed me a different box containing an actual IPhone Six plus. She was still laughing after I had opened it and I gave her my one eyebrow raised confused face.

"You're STILL laughing?"

She just nodded, eventually she got up and walked out still laughing. I rolled my eyes and investigated my new phone. It already had some apps on it so I looked at those.

Eventually I fell asleep and ended up on the floor when I woke up.

I shrugged it off and got dressed, Stephanie mentioned something about shopping for clothes and other random stuff. I put on a cropped sweater with a creme colored spaghetti strap undershirt and some mid thigh shorts. I walked downstairs and found a pumpkin spice bagel (A/N I'm not one to really eat those you know just wanted to spice things up ;) Stephanie came downstairs and sat at the counter.

"You do know that five more minutes and I would've made something, right?"

I was about to put the bagel in the toaster when she said that, I turned around and smirked.

"Would you like me to put my white girl food down and have you make me food?"

She yawned.

"Sure, why not, what you wanna eat?"

I decided on eggs, bacon, and sausage.

"Mm, this is good!" I said as she slid into the seat across from me on the table.


We ended up getting five pairs of different kinds of shoes, ten tops, three skirts, and six shorts. We also got three necklaces each and 5 pairs of earings each. Well, today was fun!

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