Chapter 1

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Paige finds herself looking at Lucy again. She can't help herself; the strawberry blonde is the hottest girl Paige has ever laid eyes on. And Paige wouldn't have a problem asking Lucy out. If Lucy isn't already in a relationship. With a guy. For the seventh time in a row.

Paige Sery sighs, and goes back to her book. She always finds comfort in reading stories, or writing them, or daydreaming them. They keep her mind off reality.

She feels a tap on her shoulder. She looks up, and sees a face above her. "Do you have a pencil I can, like, borrow?" Lucy asks impatiently.

Paige wordlessly grabs one from her backpack, and hands it over. "Here," she replies gruffly.

"Thanks." The redhead watches Lucy walk back to her seat and starts writing her essay.

Paige looks at her watch, and sighs again. It's 12:30 in the afternoon, and class doesn't get out until 12:55. She's got at least 4 pages left in her book to read, and she forgot her spare at home.

Instead of reading the last pages, Paige takes out a piece of paper and before she knows it, starts drawing. A line here and a spiral there is all it takes before Paige enters her daydream zone. She loses track of time in both the drawing and daydream until the bell rings. She doesn't react to it, but it's a thump to her arm that snaps her out of it.

Paige looks at the direction where the object is most likely thrown from. Lucy stares back at her. "What are you looking at?" she sneers.

"Lady Gaga in a taco outfit," Paige deadpans. "What did you throw at me?"

"Um, like, your pencil. I don't need it anymore."

The redhead raises an eyebrow. "What about next period?" She gets up and grabs her things while she asks.

Lucy sighs dramatically. "Don't you know I have, like, study hall next period?" she replies.

Paige rolls her eyes. "No. I missed the Paparazzi 101 course. I'm sorry I don't care to know about your life." The last part is a lie, but Lucy doesn't need to know that.

She just scoffs, but Paige can see a hint of a smile on Lucy's face. "Just, whatever." Lucy walks out of the classroom, leaving Paige alone with the teacher.

"Paige, I think you should hurry to your next class if you don't want to be late," he says.

She shrugs, but heeds his advice and scampers out to the hallway.

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