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"Mom? Mom where are you? It's dark, it's cold...MOM! It's lonely..." Sobs filled the cave and bounced off its walls, the little girl hadn't known how long she'd been there. Sitting. Waiting. Time felt endless and her stomach never ceased to growl.

The cave was dark and damp, crawling with insects that were way out of its time. The young girl only cowered in fear at the sight of them.

She had walked aimlessly down the long corridor, not a light to be seen. Her only source of hope was to find her mother. Well, her dragon mother.

Just yesterday they were practicing magic and having fun, but when she woke up the next day. It was here in this cold, dark cave, and the worst part of it all was that Aquamarine wasn't there.

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" That snapped the girl out of her reverie, by making her jump at least three feet off the ground.

"ME!? WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" Was the outraged reply that was equally as loud as the previous one. Their steps were heavy, probably stomping. Grumbles could be heard even from where the young girl now stood.

They were coming closer. Fear racked up the young girl's spine, she couldn't tell if these people were good or not. And there was no place to hide, the cave offered no boulders to hide behind. It was simply a bare cave.

A soft glow of firelight filled her vision, after being in a dark cave for a long period of time. Her eyes had adjusted, but seeing a light now. She wasn't used to it.

She covered her eyes with her arm, after blinking rapidly her eyes adjusted to the firelight.

"Hey, there's someone over there." The young girl hadn't picked up on it before, but one of the voices was quite feminine.

"I have eyes you know." This one was more masculine and gruff, it was clearly a male. The young girl suppressed a giggle that was going to escape her.

"Oh, it's a little girl." She looked up, it was in fact, a girl and a boy. The girl had white as snow, long hair that was put into a high ponytail. She had beautiful sapphire eyes that shone in contrast to the warm yellow glow of the lamp she held up. She wore a dark maroon crop top and a black mini skirt with thigh high boots.

The guy had spiky blond hair, and a scar the shape of a lightning bolt running down his right eye. He wore a yellow shirt and a pair of jeans and sneakers. A pair of headphones covered his ears, the young girl had no idea how he was able to hear his companion, unless he wasn't listening to anything. Then again they were shouting at each other.

She was scared. She felt power emitting from each of them. Her fear paralyzed her, her mind said run but her body refused to obey. Her lips trembled and her palms felt sweaty.

"She's so tiny."

"And cute."

Shock. Pure shock was the only feeling that the young girl could register in her system.

"Huh?" The sound was out of her mouth before she could think, her eyes were wide in surprise while her brows were drawn back.

"H-hey, how long have you been here?" It was the girl who asked, her eyes shining with concern. She wouldn't admit it to anyone but the young girl reminded her of Lisanna.

"I...I don't know..." Her voice croaked, she didn't have any water and she hadn't said anything in a while either.

The two teenagers looked at each other, a silent conversation passing between them. But at the same time it looked like there was also electricity passing between them.

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