Two Fighting Teens + a Little Girl + a Kitten = a Team

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Not surprising, after Y/N and Lisanna met, they instantly clicked. They were the same age and had similar interests. It was if they were two soulmates destined to meet. Saying they were adorable to watch was an understatement, everyone in the guild watched as the two interacted, just so they could have a daily dose of cuteness.

Daily fights still occurred, thanks to Natsu, Gray and Erza. So Fairy Tail was still living up to its title as the most Loudest Guild in Magnolia. Although that wasn't their only title.

Laxus and Mira were an untimely pair, many people requested for their help, specifically. So with becoming rich as their mindset, they reluctantly agreed to become a team, temporarily of course.

(Y/N) was quite shy as it turns out, she only interacted with Lisanna, Mira, Laxus and Astra. The guild master; Makarov proposed that she become apart of their team as to make her feel more comfortable and to ease the tension between the two teenagers. The young girl agreed without hesitation and asked if Astra could be apart of the team as well, the black kitten who had befriended Happy quickly over their love for fish, protested passionately. Although after seeing the little girl give her the puppy dog eyes expression, she gave in.

Of course some guild members argued that Astra was actually fond of (Y/N) but was just trying to hide it. The fuschia eyed kitten pretended not to hear them and disregarded their words, of course in the back of her mind she knew they were right. She obviously wouldn't say it out loud let alone admit it.

Basically things were normal, well as normal as Fairy Tail could ever be.

After a week or so, a question was asked by none other than Natsu Dragneel, a kid with spiky pink hair and a knack for picking fights with the wrong people.

"(Y/N)! Can you use magic!?" It was a simple question yet the boy had stars in his eyes and a blinding smile that made the girl in question squint. Slowly though, she nodded her head.

Thinking the boy's smile couldn't get in any brighter, was apparently wrong. His smile was literally ear to ear almost as if it would split his face in two.


* * *

She had no idea how this happened, it was honestly beyond the girl's brain capacity as to how the next day she and Natsu were squaring off in the middle of a field with guild members around them. Truth be told she was terrified. The dragon that had taught her magic mainly focused on healing, a few offense and defense spells but mostly healing. So yes, she was literally, shaking.

On the other hand, Natsu looked as if he was about to burst with excitement at any second. You'd think water always wins against fire so she has this in the bag! She in fact, did not. The strongest offense spell she knew was probably Dragon's Roar. Water was unpredictable, it can be calm, it can be harsh, it can shape and can reflect, in the end it all depends on what the user who controls it makes of it.

An idea popped into her head, she was going to make it rain. Until she suddenly remembered that she could control water, not weather, then she remembered that clouds were technically water molecules. So with hope she looked up. To see a cloudless sky. Not a speck of white in the distance. Just an endless blue with the sun hanging. And she paled. She could only heal herself enough times  but would she be even able to do so in between Natsu's attacks? The battle hasn't even begun and she was already starting to feel faint.

Then Natsu launched himself at her with a speed that honest to goodness terrified her. She narrowly avoided a punch to the face, if she had moved a second to late, her face would be blooming with pain. She silently regretted not asking her dragon mentor to teach her any powerful offense spells. She looked back at the pink haired boy, who still had a grin on his face even if he missed her cheek by a hair.

She silently cried out in despair, she could dodge and run but for how long? She wasn't physically active so stamina wasn't something she could rely on. She could heal herself if she got hit but could she keep that up until the bouncing pink ball attacking her tired himself out? All her ideas led to a dead end, but suddenly she was struck with an idea that just might work.

Natsu was coming her way ready to punch her square in the gut when (Y/N) took a deep breath and shouted,


The young girl and dropped into a kneeling position, her head touching the ground with her hands covering her head. Natsu, who had not expected it, had tripped over her and fell behind her in a pile of dust.

Saying the guild hadn't expected that outcome, nor had they expected the fight to be finished in a matter of mere minutes. Grumbled while some laughed.

After Astra had coaxed the girl out of her position, they returned to the guild to eat some food.

Natsu, was promptly dragged and scolded by Erza.

Mira was laughing so hard she was smashing her fist against the floor and rolling while clutching her stomach. Laxus was looking at her with so much disappointment in his eyes it would've made even Natsu try to look and act normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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