is this home?

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"So... this is your home?" Molly questions Giovanni, as she glares up a friendly looking house, with lanterns and other stuff at the front door.
That's either really extra, or she just never had the experience of decorating....
But it's winter, so decorations like small reindeer statues do make sence.

There is fade warm light shining from inside, this looks way more friendly than the old store.
"Yeah, well... it's comfy. I placed almost all of the decorations, because I am awesome!! If you want, I can teach you how to be a great decorator too!" Giovanni laughs to himself and opens the door.

The girl giggles at her friend's goofy behavior, and takes a step in.
There's warmth coming from inside, and the smell of fresh cookies fills the air.
"Does your mom cook too?" She asks, a bit overwhelmed by just how welcoming Giovanni's home is.

"Hah, you bet! We bake cookies together a lot. You could join in too, if you'd like!" He says enthusiastically, while locking the door again.

Molly nods full of excitement, the thought of her dad barely crosses her mind now.
She peeks through a door which seems to lead to the livingroom, where she could see a warm fire in the chimney.
And right before that, a fluffy looking armchair, where there seems to be someone sitting.

"EY MOM! I'm back!" Giovanni yells over Molly's head.
The figure in the armchair stands up and turns around, to reveal a tall woman with hair as pink and messy as Giovanni's, although it's tied in a ponytail.
Her crimson eyes look tired, but very lively still, as she replies:"Alright, firstly hi Gio, why are you home early? And secondly, why did you bring a 5 year old back from work??" She looks at Molly and then back at Giovanni, with questioning eyes.

The soup cook stares back at her, and answers:"I had to take care of something very important, and I brought this kid here, because-uhhh... well she doesn't have a proper home! And where she's currently staying sucks. Her dad even let's her do all of his work! Can you believe it? And well, now I have decided that I must do what stands in my power, to protect her."

The mom nods at his statement and then sighs slightly annoyed.
"Hey kid, what is your name?" She then greets the girl with the bear hoodie.
"Uhh hello miss Potage, I'm Molly..." she replies shyly, backing up a bit.

The woman gets on one knee, continuing:"And you really want to stay here?"
Molly looks down and nods.
The Mom giggles, "No need to be shy, I don't bite. And if you'd like to stay here really bad, I'm sure we can make you some space..."

"Wait, really? No kidding?" The kid asks bewildered.
She didn't actually expect to be taken in this quickly.
Doesn't all that require some overthinking?

The mom in question ruffles Molly's hair like it's sheep wool, saying:"Yeah well, it seems like Giovanni wants you here, he's never wanted a little sibling. Therefore you must be something special to him, so who am I to not give you a chance? When Giovanni really wants something badly, he can and will go head first through the wall, and if it's the last thing he does.... Also, you can just call me mom."

Not really knowing what to say, the girl looks at them both.
This is her new family...
And she Hope's it'd stay that way forever.
Giovanni reaches down to them and closes Molly and their mom in a big warm hug.
The girl is pressed against them like a teddy bear, and she doesn't mind at all.

If her dad did that, she would've probably been very uncomfortable, but this feels good.
Her heart is now going upwards like a balloon full of helium.
Or a bird...
Wait, speaking of--

"Gio, do you own any pets?" Molly now asks, excited.
They let go of the hug and Giovanni grins at her, proudly replying:"Heh, ya well, I have a brave domesticated wolf and hundrets of super scary rats, who are all faithful members of the Banzai Blasters!"

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