60- a special Ashton chapter ;)

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A poem for Ashton Irwin
*clears throat*
Fuck you 
and your cute ass dimples
*drops mic*

"you aren't a true 5sos fan if you weren't here from the start"
bitch even Ashton wasn't here from the start, and he's the damn drummer

What's the point of eyes if you're not going to use them to look at Ashton Irwin?

He's the dad-father

 Guitarists finger faster, bassists do it deeper, singers do it louder, drummers hit it harder................friendly reminder that Ashton can all of those

If Ashton can break his drumsticks by hitting his drums so hard, imagine what he could do to the bed while banging you :O

All he wants to do is eat ya brains

His jawline was sculpted by the gods

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