New Dawn

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Loud banging was heard on the wooden door to the shop. Along with loud shouts from angry citizens. I looked at the shackles that were tightly wound around my ankles and chained to a metal pole. The door was finally open and I quickly stood up. Only wearing a black sports bra and black shorts. Looking down at the ground, I could tell they were watching me both curiosity and lust in their eyes. Suddenly I was yanked by the collar I wore, falling to the ground.

I struggled to catch my breathing and struggled to get back up. I was being pushed around by the customers and shop owner. I managed to stand, my breathing still uneven and short. I was pushed back into line and kept my gaze down. Not wanting to look up at the Keeper.

I heard a yell and saw one of the males trying to break free. He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Only 2 people down from me. He wasn't that strongly built probably due to lack of nutrition. He was easily pinned to the ground and kicked repeatedly.

I looked away not being able to handle it. I glanced up at the sound of bells. The door opened. A man and a small girl walked in. 'Who the hell would bring a girl here...' I thought before looking back down before they look at me.

"Ok Ok, Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the monthly auction!" A loud mans voice exclaimed. 'Keeper...' I thought.

"As you can see we have many options here! I will go over the slaves descriptions and profiles before the bidding starts for that one." He explained to those new and old.

"First we have Connor, 5'10", black hair, green eyes, olive skin and not a virgin. Bidding will start at 4K!"

Bidders raised their pallets as each slave went by until it was my turn.

"Now we have the beautiful Ayra" he said with mischief in his eyes. "She is 5'6" brown/Auburn hair with dark green eyes. She has pale skin with freckles and a birthmark that covers her collar bone. She is a Virgin. Bidding will start at 10K."

Everyone's eyes widened at the starting price and no one raised their pallets. No one except the small girl. My eyes widened not sure to be happy or fearing the soon to be future.

Once the girl put her pallet up others decided to test the small child. Putting bids up almost right away. The girl held no expression keeping eye contact with me, I panicked watching each pallet rise then fall.

The bidding numbers soon drowned out as I thought about my soon to be fate. An older man put his pallet up and for once no one put their pallet up. So I looked up to see the girl having a frustrated and disgusted look towards the man. He was at least 60 if not early 70s.

She raised her pallet, no one bid further. "2 million going once, going twice... Sold to miss Diggs for 2 million dollars! Wonderful choice my dear!" He exclaimed and the guards came to drag me off the stage.

I tensed up as they roughly threw me in a crate and sealed it. I slowly sat up and could faintly hear the bidding start on another girl. I curled up hugging my knees as I didn't know what to expect at this new life. Would it be bad.. good.. or just reliving the hell I had to go through before...

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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