Chapter 10

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(Warning, implication of sexual violence on a minor. Nothing is stated explicitly, I just wanted to give you all a heads-up. If you or a loved one are experiencing sexual abuse, here is the hotline to the national sexual assault hotline for the US: 1-800-656-4673. And for the UK: +44-808-800-5008) 

Spencer stepped out of Malcolm's house to call you, he wanted to check on you and Morgan, and he also wanted to ask you if your sister had ever told you about a stalker. Immediately upon hearing your voice he smiled, "Hey (L/N), I have some questions for you."

"Ask away, Doctor Reid." He could hear the smile in your voice as you continued speak, "Meet Morgan and I at the scene, we need your brain as a sound board to bounce off."

Spencer chuckled, "Oh? You need my brain Ms. 200?"

He heard you laugh, "Well, if you don't think I need you I guess I'll just hang up-"

"No! No, I'm on my way give me fifteen minutes." Spencer said hurriedly, "I'll have to let JJ know you guys need me."

"Okay, see you then."


When Spencer got there he found his place next to you and looked at Morgan, "So, what's up?"

"Well, there was absolutely no way this was an accident." Morgan said, "(Y/N) knows this town, they don't even do deals here and even if they did where she was standing wasn't anywhere close for her to get caught in the middle."

Reid watched you nod, "And we need you because I know this town and my sister was the victim, it's personal for me so I'm probably over-looking something."

He hummed and walked up to look around the scene, he felt your eyes on him and felt nervous for some reason, but shrugged it off the best he could. Nothing about the scene screamed at him, but there was something off about this whole thing, and he felt that the only way he would get answers for you is through you.

"We need to perform a cognitive interview." He said, pulling off his gloves, "(L/N), come with me."

"Who are we performing the interview on?"

"Not we, me." He answers, "And I'm performing it on you."

"What? Why? I wasn't even here."

"You're right, but I think I know who did this and I want to see what you know about him."


"Okay, (Y/N)," Spencer began, you leaned back in your seat and closed your eyes, "you're graduating high school and your sister and her friends are there to congratulate you. Who all is there other than Victoria?"

You were silent for a few moments, then you answered, "Malcolm and..." you trailed off into a short pause, "no, just Malcolm."

"Okay, and what else is going on?"

"Vic is giving me a necklace," your hand touched the pendent hanging from around your neck, "and Malcolm keeps telling me he needs to talk to me alone."

"Are you going to?"

"No." You replied quickly, "he creeps me out, he's always made me uncomfortable, since I was four years old."


Your breathing picked up and suddenly your eyes flew open, "No, I don't know. He just-"

"(Y/N)," Spencer breathed out soothingly, "it's okay. You're safe."

You looked into his eyes and nodded slowly, "Okay."

He nodded at you and you closed your eyes again, taking a deep breath you retreated back to your memories, "Now, why does he make you uncomfortable? What happened when you were four?"

"Victoria and I were playing outside with him and she got called inside to put away dishes." You answered, "Malcolm walked over to me and asked me if I wanted to play a different game and he-"

You stopped talking and Spencer frowned, he knew what that meant, "How old was he, (Y/N)?"

"Thirteen, after that I stayed away from him as much as possible." You gulped, "Then, when I graduated he and Vic got in a nasty fight because he wrote about that day in his journal, I had forgotten about it; he threatened her and she told him if he ever came near me again she'd go to the police."

"Okay, what happened after that?"

"I went and got drunk with my friends."

"How did he threaten her?"

"He told her that if she went to the police he'd kill her." You clenched your jaw, "I punched him in the stomach when he said that and that was when the fight calmed down and he apologized to her for saying that. That was when she told him to stay away from me."

"Okay, you're doing great."

"The next morning I moved out of town, Vic told me to before she found out, because she knew how much I hated it here anyway." You opened your eyes again, "The two of them got into another fight because Malcolm assumed she told me to skip town because of him, this is the first time I've been back since."

"We're ready to give the profile." Spencer said to you, "I'm going to send Morgan over to Malcolm's home."

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