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Moon(me): Ok so I'm gonna change these ships a bit and I'll give information about the characters. Also sub means bottom and dom means too.

Philippines(sub) x Russia(dom)

Malaysia(sub) x Indonesia(dom)

America(sub) x Martial law(dom)

Spain(sub) x Del pilar(dom).


Martial law: is 6,1 feet tall.

Is cruel and untrusting at first but once you get to know him,his the kinds and caring person every.

Is super overprotective of things and people close to him.

Witnessed his mother and father death at a young age.

Other names are Mars, Mart, Kuya Martial.

Has many scars, most are from the wars.

Clams America down his panic attacks happen.

Is the top in his relationship with America.
America: is 5,3 feet tall.

Is feminine, kind, caring, kinda innocent, loves to help others in need.... can be as evil and cruel as the devil you push her wrong buttons (*coughs*China*coughs*).

Has three fathers, mother die when he was 9 years old, has 40 siblings.

Other names are Ames, Merica, Rice, United States.

Has many scars which give him bad memories and cause his panic attacks in which needs martial to clam him down.

Loves to cross dress.

Is transgender and wears a chest binder.

The bottom in his relationship with Martial.
Philippines: is 5,3 in half feet tall.

Is feminine, kind, sweet, caring.

Lovers her brothers dearly.

Other names are Phil, Philip, sunshine, flower, little sis.

Has a fear of being all alone.

Loves Russia.
Russia: is 6,3 feet tall.

Is an alcoholic, caring, cold, kind, overprotective.

Lost his father, takes care of his 14 siblings.

Other names are Ruski, Russ, kuya Russia.

Is always at philips side no matter what.
Spain: is 5,7 feet tall.

Is an overprotective brother, is kind, caring(rare), sarcastic.

Loves his family, Kinda hates his father.

Other names are Spa, Pain, big bro.

Is the bottom in his relationship with Del.
Del Pilar: is 6,2 feet tall.

Is cruel and untrusting at first but once you get to know him,his the kinds and caring person every.

Loved his parents very much and promised to take care of his younger siblings.

Other names are Kuya Del, Pil.

Is the top in his relationship with Spain.
Malaysia: is 5,5 feet tall.

Is kind, mean, loving, caring.

Lost her family at a young age and Phil and Indonesia is all he has.

Other names are Mal, Malay.

Is a bottom.
Indonesia: is 6,0 feet tall.

Is kind, Funny, annoying, weird.

No family.

Other names are Indo, nesia.

Is a top.

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