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I rushed to the small boi my protectiveness of him immediately kicked in I turned of the shower and picked him up took the pen away and softly cradled him in my arms till he quieted down then that left time for me to run to the cabinet and grab some hydrogen peroxide,NyQuil a towel,some bandages and lotionI mean we're hero's in training so why wouldn't we have these this once I rushed back to his side he had such an empty look on this face  his small body shaking I threw off his hoodie and put some hydrogen peroxide on the pen cuts after that put on bandages on his arms then rapid him in the towel carrying a NyQuil bandages and lotionStill in my hand and carried him to my room

Once I opened the door I got him a new pair of my old shorts that were still going to be really big on him and a long sleeve I never wore put him on my bed went over to the corner of my room that held a microwave and mini fridge yes in the dorms we have a kitchen but better safe then sorry from the mini fridge I got 2 packs of ice got back to him and grabbed the bandage and tied the ice pack on his ears.

BLASTY BOI not really back to the story

After that I shoved the NyQuil in Izuku's mouth.I had sat up against my bed bored and put the bois empty sad head resting on my lap as I pet his hair as his body started to relax as his body lead in a fetal position I grabbed my phone and put on some bed room pop i may be aggressive but we all know that the persona we face others with isn't always the real one yes I'm still going to BLAST EVERYTHING AND BE NUMBER ONE but we'll always be lying.

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