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Today I woke up in shock, trembling, the day before was unusual, and my dream even more. I dreamt of a graveyard, with dense air and damp ground, grey sky and thundering clouds. I could remember why, but there were screams coming from somewhere, screams that were unclear and I couldn't understand. I turned back to see who was screaming, but before I could a spear drove right through my chest. I heard the toll of the nearby church bell and fell to the ground on my back. As I bled out and went cold I looked to the sky and saw leaning over me, those cold blue eyes. 

"Andrew it's 7 A M!" my ma yelled as I leaped out of bed and into the shower.

I was walking to school today like usual. Clairon is a small place, I've passed by the same houses ans streets since grade school. There were always just two rows of old houses, then the only park in the entire county, then the Junior League and then the library and school. If ya head down the street even more, you'll see a business area with one a everythin. One grocery, one gas station, one motor shop, one bank, one diner, one bookstore, one pharmacy and one small clinic made to substitute a hospital.

Margaret Fletcher, head of the Junior League and best of friends with my ma. She always wore a clean pink dress over her flat chests, big ass and thighs.

"Hi there Andrew dear," she greeted me from behind the fornt lawn gate, "how's yar ma? I haven't called yet."

"Doin fine ma'am," I replied, eager to go.

"I heard that you made friends with the new girl from Maine," she said. I knew she had to be hiding some devil's face behind her kind mask, "Just a warning Andrew, be careful round em. Ya dont wanna worry your ma."

"Sure thing Mrs. Fletcher," I said and turned to walk away.

"And Melaine was askin!" she pulled me bck by the arm, "if you'd like to help her with the upcoming. sunday picnic."

"I'll think about it ma'am," I forced a lifeless smile and quickly walked away.

I heard the sound of a sweet new motor engine. A gray Aston Martin, the kind I only ever saw in my pa's magazine on cars, drove right past me. Course I had ta stop and look. So did Kyle who was right across the street.

"Hey!" I ran over to him after the car passed.

"You see at?" he smiled.

"Ya I saw that!" I say, "gotta be Adette."

"Who?" Kyle gone and asked.

"New girl," I replied.

"What were those wheels?" Kyle asked, "new toyota from Canada?"

"Even better!" I smiled, "Aston Martin!"

"Who now?" he looked confused.

"It's a sports car," I clarified, "one a those can cost bout more than half a million."

"Whoah!" Kyle's jaw dropped open, "Dang!"


The heavy music on the radio sounded more obnoxious that pleasing. Adette reacher over to turn the radio down, but the moment she let go of the switch the volume rose up even higher than before.

"Ari!" Adette raised her voice.

"Can you please just let my music be," Ariadne said. "By the way......who was that by from the other day?"

"I dont wanna talk about it," Adette turned her gaze towards out the window.

"You always say that," Ariadne smirked, "until you realise that my help is the only one you can count on."


The teachers here at my high school never cared about who sits where and when. Thereby, anyone could sit beside anyone and do the hell they wanted. We all knew that teachers here in Clairon county never cared about what goes on in class. All they had to do was get us the hell out of high school in a way that our mothers would not come baking at their doors. 

I was sitting at the front this time, by the seat they always leave empty. Adette came in, wearing black jeans, brown shoes and a green cardigan over a blue shirt. The moment our teacher started I leaned closer to her and passed a note.

"How's day 2?" I wrote.

"Still not used to the weather," She wrote back.

"Want to have lunch together?" I asked.

"Why not," she wrote back in reply.

I smiled and wrote down, "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing," she replied.

"The library'll be giving away a few old books..wanna help me scavenge the shelves?" I wrote.

"Sure," She wrote back.

Like I said. There ain't that many folk round here who'd want a good read or good book. The only library here'n Clairon is called Lib, its got bout five shelves and one computer. There ain't that many books comin' here, like there ain't many people to read em. The lib used to have more books then, but since my pa passed, no new deliveries ever come. Instead, the lib gives away any old books every now an then, the ones no one wants. Some a them are good, some I could see why no one wanted em, others were damaged, but I managed to fix em.


Ariadne held the candelabra firmly as she walked down a set of old cobblestone stairs going down in a spiral. At the bottom was an old box covered in chains. She unlocked the chains and pulled apart the wooden box. Inside was a coffin made of fine wood. She opened the top to reveal the face of a handsome young man with pale and desiccated skin, and radiant dark red hair.

"Soon," Ariadne said, "it's almost time."


I really think Andrew is a great guy. For some reason, he's so unlike all the other people I've encountered so far. We sat across each other on the same table at lunch. Everyone were looking and sneering, but he didn't mind. 

"So why'd you transfer?" he asked.

"My uncle used to live here once upon a time," I replied, "he said that it'd be the best place to have my birthday." 

"That's great!" Andrew smiled, "how old will ya be?"

"Sixteen," I replied.

"Happy Birthday in advance," he greeted, "but....Clairon ain't much, why'd he want your sweet sixteen to be here?"

"He grew up around of family traditions and one is that we're basically mature enough for the real world once we're sixteen." I replied, "Another is that any coming of age should be held in the family home."

"So the manor  up on ole colony lane's your family home?" he asked in a very confused voice.

"No...but Colony Lane is was actually my family's old ancestral land." I replied, "My uncle chose Colony Lane because we move around a lot and don't really have a family home at the moment, but Colony Lane has been in the family for centuries."

"You own it!" he said in surprise

"Why do you think no one else lives on my side of the street?" I smiled.


My day was great! I passed notes in class and met up with Adette during break. She's more amazing than I imagined. Shame, I she said I can't walk her home. I waved goodbye as she got into the grey Aston Martin that drove in. The same girl waited for her in the car. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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