december 18

14 2 0

i thought
it was just a phase
a short game that
would fill our days

but even in
the dead of winter
daylight is so long
and nighttime is a painful splinter

it is only when
i rest my head to sleep
that the hours fly by
until i'm awakened by a beep

then the process starts
all over again
and the day drags on
to no forgiving end

i wish the reverse
proved to be true
so my heart could be filled
with any color but blue

don't get me wrong,
i cherish our time
but unless it's worth your while
i'm tossed away like an old, rusty dime

i understand that you're busy
and have limited minutes
but it feels like your heart
isn't one hundred percent in it

i can rearrange everything
as much as desired
but it's no use if
your time for me's expired

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