january 14

8 2 0

in front of my eyes lay
the most familiar face
yet an entirely unknown heart

you weren't back
back again
i was a fool to think so

a glimpse of you
is caught here and there
but most certainly
doesn't not appear everywhere

in fact the slivers of hope
you fill me up with
soon crush
my feelings of bliss

here i rest alone in my bed
heart broken
feeling like a worn out
lost token

i tell you something's wrong
but you don't seem to care
you tell me goodnight
and disappear in the air

all i want
is to have you back—
have you back
to make me laugh

have you back
to give me a genuine smile—
a gesture i haven't
done in quite a while

i miss the way
i could tell you everything
but now i dread
to tell you anything

why did things change
is it me? is it you?
i don't want to feel this anymore
a feeling so blue

you always made me the happiest
but now it's so hard
to find that joy
that winning card

but the worst of it all
and this is most certainly true
i'm most upset
that i'm upset by you

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