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Hansol sighed again when he saw his bestfriend in the halls crying alone. It was after school so almost all of the students already went back home. Hansol and Jia had stay back to study in the library since they had finals soon. He knew what exactly happened, she saw her crush with somebody else. Hansol never knew who was Jia's crush was nor did she told him anything about her crush. All he knew was he does not like Jia's crush.

He let out a heavy sigh before sitting beside her. "Is it him again?" He asked without looking at her.

Jia stopped crying when she heard her bestfriend's voice beside her. She looked up to him and only nodded. Hansol shook his head and hugged her.

"You know what? I'm tired of seeing you like this. Maybe it's time for you to move on." Hansol said as he broke off the hug.

Jia looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

Hansol almost rolled his eyes, "This crush of yours is clearly not interested in you. Just move on from him."

"Easy for you to say," she scoffed.

"I'll help you," He stated. "I'll help you move on from him (to me)."

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow. "How are you gonna help me?"

"Like this," he kissed her cheeks, which caught her by surprise.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She tried to cover her red cheeks.

"Like I said, help you move on."

"Yeah, sure. As if kissing me will make me move on,"

"Oh it will alright." Hansol took that as a challenge and smirked.

Jia just rolled her eyes and wiped the remaining tears on her face as she got up, "Let's go home."

She offered Hansol her hand which he took it gladly.

"Let's go," he took his bag and handed her her own bag.

They walked side by side down the road, a comfortable silence surrounding them.

"Hansol?" Jia suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Hmmm?" He turned to look at her.

"Can we get ice cream?"

"Sure, let's go," he grabbed her hand and brought her to the ice cream parlour near their houses.

When they entered the shop, Hansol instructed her to sit down while he got in line to order their ice cream.

"The usual?" Hansol asked her for confirmation before queueing up.

She hummed and nodded, which he found it to be super cute. Hansol chuckled and ruffled her hair. God, Jia is really something.

They ate their ice cream as Hansol walked Jia home. By the time they reached her house, their ice creams were long finished.

She turned to him, "Thank you for walking home."

Hansol smiled and patted her head, "No need to thank me. That's what bestfriends are for."

She only nodded and smile, hugging him briefly. Before she could enter her house, Hansol called her.

"Hey, you forgot something."

Jia immediately searched for her things, her phone was in her pocket and all of her books were in her bag. She looked at him, confused.

"I don't think so, Hansol." She frowned, trying to remember if she left anything.

"Yeah, you do. You forgot to kiss me," he said cheekily as he pointed to his cheeks.

To The Boy I Once Loved [Chwe Hansol]Where stories live. Discover now