Life has a Rain

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The whole night was so long, longer than usual for both of us. Sleeping on one side and then changing the position every second. We got Amaar's contact information from our class whatsapp group, but none of them was picking.

You should sleep little bit, you collapsed too. My lovely friend was getting upset. I can't sleep Until I know about professor Rakan, his condition must be bad, I said while getting up.

Hai relax!! Don't move your foot. You have no broken bones but still it is in bad condition.

I can't even get up. I want to see him if he is Ohk or not, my voice was faint, my heart was pounding briskly.

Every hour every minute every second was becoming heavier on us. It was almost 7 o clock. When momo took a physiotherapist with her. She started examining me when Handay received a call.

With every stroke a wave of pain was hitting me. Physiotherapist was examining my ankle carefully.

Meanwhile I looked out impatiently at Handay who was talking to someone on phone. Might be Amaar or Aahil or another person.

You shouldn't walk for at least 1 week, she threw a bomb shell at me. But I have school and I have to go out for other important matters, I pulled my foot at once.

Or otherwise we have to tell your father honey, follow the instructions of therapist. You will be fine soon standing on your feet, momo pat on my shoulder. Handay came in and showed me a thumbs up.

Loads of burden was taken off from my body. Numbness of my mind had vanished. "He is fine", I smiled

Handay started talking to the therapist, can I take her for a walk?
Yes you can but try not to put load on your foot for few days. Later she will be fine and can move rapidly.

Meanwhile I grabbed my cellphone and checked my inbox if I had any message from pervert intruder. In the whole situation I forgot to text him that, it is not possible for me to make it to him.

I found no text from him, even though I was expecting so many. I opened and started typing.

"Something very urgent came up and we had to go. I am really sorry we couldn't make it". I placer my cellphone on the side table.

And started waiting for momo to go so that in can talk to Amaar and ask about professor Rakan.

Listen Amal dear! Your father is going to the other state. His return will be tomorrow or may be day after tomorrow. Baby stay in the bed. You don't have to get up.

Now the most important thing, she looked at me with worried look.
I am going to Ankara, Jaan needs me there for some official work.

On hearing Jaan's name my face started glowing. If I will say that I don't have crush on him it will be a false statement.

Jaan is coming back? I asked after coming out of my fantasies.
Maybe we both will come back together.

On hearing Momo's words I almost jumped in my bed with joy. Hai your foot, momo abruptly moved towards me.

I am going if you need anyone, the maids are downstairs. Also the guards are out there so you don't need to worry, she said while walking out.
The moment momo left the room. I sat up. Who did you talk too? How's he feeling now?

It was Aahil on phone, he said his brother is totally fine he got 4 stitches on the forehead. Excessive bleeding was due to lack of platelets.

I want to talk on my own as well. I took Amaar's number and called him.

On the third bell someone picked up the call.

Uhmm!! I cleared my throat and said hi!

Hai, someone responded.

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