Chapter 34 - Gone Again

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There was an update last week, too, which apparently went unnoticed by Wattpad and a few of my followers. If you are a part of the group that missed it....well now you know.

Chapter 34 – Gone Again

The only good thing that happened from Chris’s death, according to Alex, was that the event finally put things in perspective for his team.

Erik was a good guy, and would have respected any decision Alex would have made, but Shay and Dylan would have opposed it. For that moment, it felt like his team had split in half. Now, with Chris dead, Dylan was able to accept that maybe Alex had been right and Shay was beginning to understand that there was something a little more than murder going on.

That meant that the whole team supported the Alex when he suggested that they should bring ‘Kelsey’ in for some more questioning. Alex knew that it wasn’t Kelsey and as soon as he had her, he intended to make her confess it.

He’d waited long enough.

It felt like Caleb Rocha had been ahead of them by one step during this whole investigation. Alex wanted to arrest Kara before he suspected that Alex was suspecting her. Though that was unlikely, Alex wanted to make sure he acted before Rocha did.

“Where’s Verona?” He asked Dylan. He needed to know if Kara was with her.

“She’s working.”

“So Kara must be at her apartment, then?” He asked, hopefully.

“She usually is.”

That didn’t mean anything. Just because she usually was, didn’t mean that she would also be there today. “Does she go out?”

“We should go, Alex. She’s going to be there. We should bring her in before she gets a chance to get away.” Dylan suggested.

“You’re right. Alex agreed. “Get a hold of Agent Carlton. He’s watching her today. Ask him where Kara is and tell him that we’re going to come get her for some questioning. In the meantime, I want him to keep watch on the house. We don’t want to put Verona in any unnecessary danger. He should be there to protect her, too, when he gets back.”

Dylan nodded. “Erik and I will go get her.”


“It would seem less suspicious if we didn’t bring the whole team to bring a supposedly innocent professor for questioning.” Dylan explained. Alex nodded. That made sense. Alex had no problems with Dylan and Erik, ever. He trusted them to do this job, correctly. Though, he certainly would have preferred to go see her, himself.

In fact, he did always personally go to meet Kelsey. Why should this be different? “That’s a good idea. You can take and Erik and go. I have another plan, anyways.”

“What is it?”

“You’ll see.” Alex responded. “For now, you and Erik go pick Kelsey, er, Kara up. You’ll see when you get back.”

Dylan looked curious, but he just nodded. “Okay.”

He gave Alex a curious look, probably wondering what was going on in his boss’s head, but then shook his head and set off to look for his partner.

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