(A/N) It's been a year?

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So it had been a long time since I published something here that's connected to the story I was going to write and I know I'll never going to continue writing this. Basically with this chapter or part I'm going to tell you my original plan for this book.

The second chapter's title was named "Cookies" and this chapter was basically fluff with Ouma and Saihara in the library reading, Ouma's stomach growls, and they went to bake cookies with Kirumi.

I forgot what's going to happen for the third chapter, all I really know is that at some point they went stargazing.

Later on in the story the side affects of the chocolate started to show. (This part of the story starts to get a bit disturbing and I didn't continue writing because of this, it was really messed up to be honest) The one who got the chocolate with the side affects was Saihara, and what was the side affect? Well.... Basically the ability to give birth and I hated this idea later on. (What is wrong with my past twelve year old brain)

I was planning to make a good and bad ending for this but now I really don't want to write this...

If you guys want I can post the unfinished second chapter, it's all on you to decide this for me.

I also don't mind answering your questions for this story. (I never planned on writing smut)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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