yellow hearts

341 14 10

*Y/N's point of view*

I stared up at the ceiling rubbing my eyes sighing at the thought of going to school but I had to go, the school's softball team was playing I couldn't miss it, after all, she would be there.

I arose slowly from my small bed grabbing some not so smelly clothes from my laundry basket heading into the small bathroom my brother and I shared.
The shower was reasonable but not the best the cause of that being the limited amount of hot water that each person had to get, when we came into this place our landlord persisted that each individual was granted only five minutes of hot water.

I got dressed for the day with the clothes I wore on Monday

It was Friday probably no one even remembered what I have worn, to be honest, I'm confident no one even paid attention to my existence much less my fucking outfit

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It was Friday probably no one even remembered what I have worn, to be honest, I'm confident no one even paid attention to my existence much less my fucking outfit.

"Hey, you ready for today?" My brother Trey asked brushing his hair with MY hairbrush,
"Trey that hairbrush cost $5 you have money I'm sure you can buy your own," I mumbled seizing my property from the hands of the wicked, he sucked his teeth grabbing his car keys.

"Isn't your girlfriend having a big game today?" He asked while I grabbed an apple from the fruit plate

"For the hundredth time Tremaine she is not my girlfriend, I know for a fact Lauren doesn't know I exist and I'm pretty sure if there is even a chance in heaven that she actually caught a glimpse of me she'd be thinking 'oh look that's a pile of shit' Tremaine the chances of Lauren ever being my girlfriend is the same chance I'd have like an ice cube in a microwave," I said walking out of the apartment closing the door behind me fixing my bag strap

"But like what if the microwave was a refrigerator, " Trey said pressing the button for the elevator

"Woah Trey you are so smart no wonder you are in the gifted classes ma dude" I looked over and saw the cute son of a bitch wearing a proud ass smile as I shook my head silently as the elevator door closed.

We got to school with 15 minutes to spear for once the morning traffic wasn't a stick in the ass
"Do you want me to walk with you?" Trey asked shutting the car engine off, I sighed looking at my older brother

"Trey you won't always be there you know to defend me," I said rubbing my tired brown eyes
"Yes but Y/N you and I both know you can kick ass," Trey said grabbing my hand ever so tenderly

"I will be okay so stop worrying," I said opening the door to the old car closing it gently.

I know he was genuinely worried about me I mean which good brother wouldn't be. I walked into the place I hated most dreading every step

"Hey midnight" I sighed softly ignoring the supremacist comment walking calmly towards my locker

"I said hey midnight" I opened my locker putting away the books I didn't need at the moment and put a stick of gum in my mouth

Laura Jagooey Imagines (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now