She'd protect me

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* I've been obsessed with the song above bruh😖*

*Lauren's P.O.V*

"David I literally don't have the energy no more for this bullshit, every fucking day it's the same thing with you I am sick and tired of this shit. FUCK you honestly"

This shit was on a constant loop like a broken record player, he'd come home smelt like some other bitch I would confront him then he would come up with some pathetic ass excuse as to why he has on no fucking underwear on.

"I told you some people brushed up on me Lauren it's some strangers perfume honest to God" he pleads, his pathetic ass really thinks I was going to believe him

"David, bye"
I moved past him into the bedroom grabbing a duffle bag and just shoving my shit into it collecting my phone hurriedly dialing my best friend's phone number

"Sup" I heard her voice at the other end of her line she sounded tired like I had just awoken her, I checked the time
1:24 am
"Fuck Y/N I'm sorry go back to sleep babe," I said feeling foolish to even think about bringing her in this dumb ass situation, I was about to hang up when she replied
"No Lauren what's wrong," she asked her voice laced with concern

"David-" I didn't finish the statement before the line went dead

Oh no
What did I do

"Baby come on, please alright it was stupid you know I love you, Lauren, please" he begged grabbing my duffel bag throwing it across the room yanking my wrist
"Fucking forgive me," he said his teeth gritted while his strong arms tighten around my tiny arms

"David let go your hurting me," I said using my free arm to push him away  but it was of no benefit
"Baby please" he pleads for the umpteenth time tonight

A car skidding into the driveway interrupted my desperate cries for help

Oh no

"What's that?" The older man asked his eyebrows scrunches up in confusion

"David okay seriously let me go I'm not joking David let me go now" he looked at me puzzled before the doors to the house burst open


Oh fuck
There she is

He gripped onto my hand tighter as he glared down at me
"You called her," he asked his voiced laced with venom
"You fucking called her" this time his hands went around my throat causing me to scream,
He shushed me pushing me to the side within a millisecond the door bust open.

There she stood her Glock pointed right at his face
"What the fuck did you do?" The 19-year-old asked her voice bitter she was willing to shoot him just by the thought of someone ever hurting me

"Y/N no I'm fine let me finish packing I'm coming with you" at the sound of my voice the Nubian looked over her eyes wasting no time before seeing the bruise around my neck

"You fucking put your hands on her you pile a shit" her gun once again finding the man's head
"Y/N no, please I'm coming with you, he won't hurt me again I'll be with you" I plead not wanting her to have that burden of killing a man just to protect me, once again.

"Pack your things baby," she said her eyes soft as she looked at me, I nodded feeling this odd sense of comfort because i knew she had my back

"Go in the living room" the statement was directed to David his eyes showing nothing but the presence of fear
"NOW!" He scurried away into the living, Y/N sending me a comforting smile before following behind him.

Moments later the sounds of groaning and whimpering then a blood-curling scream were heard throughout the house.

Y/N showed up into the bedroom making her way over to me
"Hi baby," she spoke her voice gentle, I knew she loved me, but the things she did to keep me safe were terrifying
Yet oddly attractive

"Hello baby," I said she smiled kissing my cheek before grabbing my duffle bag gently taking my hand into hers

"I love you," she said gently not waiting for a reply because she never normally got one

"I love you too," I said my voice sincere
She wasn't going to do shit like this again
I need her to get better
I'm going to help her

She giggled cutely before ushering me out the door

"Just don't look at him lolo" her voice was soft but I couldn't help it

I looked

It was honestly horrifying
He was damaged severely, but he wasn't dead

"The ambulance is on their way," she said simply
Before we made our way outside to her car
I didn't even ask if he was going to snitch, because I knew for a fact

He wouldn't dare

"You're staying with from now on, would you like that Lauren?" She asked as she put my luggage in her trunk before we made our way into the car
"I would" I smiled at the girl tangling my hand into her afro
"Kool then" Y/N smiled starting the engine.


We sat in her bed her head hung low because she thought in her head I was mad at her

"Baby look at me," I said her head slowly turning her eyes locked with mine no matter what I always saw the same thing when she looked at me


"From now I will be right here no one will hurt me" her eyes never faltered when she looked at me

"You'll protect me right?" I asked she nodded vigorously at my statement

"With my life" she replied her voice soft

"You wouldn't hurt me right" I knew she would never,
fuck! She'd hurt herself before damaging a strand of hair on my head, but I still asked

"I'd take my life before I do" her eyes were soft
And knew she meant every word she said

"You have to try and control your temper with other people, okay"

She stared at me

"If they hurt you their dead" she replied simply

I sighed softly
We'll work on it

I gave her a small peck on lips
It was the first time I had ever kissed her,
It surprised me as well
But what's the point, I was actually planning on staying  with her

She giggled cutely before wrapping her arms around my waist lying down cuddling me as I hear her sigh in content.

I couldn't help but sigh as well,

Poor David and All the boys that had ever fucked with me both dead and alive






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P.s not proofread

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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