Chapter 3

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Kaida's P.O.V
"Human... trafficking..." I muted under my breath, shocked. Gi-gang just told us of what Yang Keum-ji does, and it isn't very pleasant.

"Mostly woman and children." Jea-ha adds in.

"But even slavery is banned in this kingdom."

"That's not their only goal. With the manpower he gathered, he's gonna make sure he'll crush us pirates to end this long battle."

"Let's strike first!"

"Don't get ahead of yourselves. If we start a fight of the port, the residents will be in harms way. So we're gonna attack Keum-ji's ship on the waters between Kai Empire and Awa, where I bet the deal will go down." Gi-gang taps a spot on the map with her smoking pipe.

"The question is exactly when it goes down and which ship the girls are on."

Right. Most Keumaji will use the girls as hostages, so we can't start attackin' blindly. I wonder if we can somehow secure the girl's safety."

"But if it's important business, chances of Keum-hi being there up high, right? Wouldn't it be easier if we find the leader and tie him up?"

"Right! Besides, this time we have easier if we have real tough allies on our side!"

"Either way, we need a little more information. This is a great opportunity for us as well. We'll crush Yang Keum-ji and the officers who've spent over ten years oppressin' the people of Awa and wreckin' this town and win back our freedom!" She stabs the knife into the map, eight where the boats are to be. "This time. I'll also take up a sword. Follow me 'till the end, pip-squeaks!" They all cheer, me following in, slightly confused. Pip-squeak?


"Y-Yona, if you want I'll take care of that..." I tell her awkwardly. With trouble, Yona is trying to lift a bag of rice into the ship. I had Shizu carry the bags on his back. He didn't have a saddle on because it would be uncomfortable so it is on the ship with my other items. I take the bag placing it on Shizu, only for Kija to take it off his back.

"Here, I will handle such tasks." Kija says from behind me. I grab another bag and put it on his back and leading him on the ship.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Kija asks as I put the bags in storage and go back for more.

"This is nothing." I put the bag on Shizu's back.

~Time Skip~

Yoon gives me a bowl of food and I'm sitting on the ground giving some of my food to Kuro. I let Haru hunt food on his own and I already gave Shizu his food. After I'm done I hear everyone on the ship discussing something.

"I found a store that gathers girls to traffic." I hear Jea-ha say.

"Publicly, they provide high-paying jobs for the women. But, in reality it's a place to traffic girls that can be sold at a high price. I had a guy ask how long they're taking applicants, and he said that the owner said until noon, two days from now. Keum-ji's greedy. If there's a good merchandise, he'll wait as long as possible. That means he'll do the trade on that day. The ships said lay night, after sundown."

"But we won't know which ship the girls will be on." Gi-gang sighs.

"From the inside." I say and Yona next to me nods her head.

"If we can set off a firework or something from the inside the girls, couldn't we save them a little quicker?" Yona suggests and I mad my head at her idea.

"That may be so, but who's gonna set if off?" I would do it but I could put myself in danger and cause my country to go into war with this one if I were to go missing.

"I will. I will go undercover and set off from the ship. Our goal put saving the girls from being sold before defeating Keum-ji, right? We need to quickly find which ship they're on and evacuate them to a safe area. To do that, I'll sneak in and let you know the ship's location."

"Hold on. I can't really recommend to go into Keum-ji's and the officer's lair." Kija adds in.

"I'm against it too. To set off the firework, you gotta snuggle the gunpowder, escape captivity, get past the guards, and go on deck! They'll kill you if they find you! You can't do it!"

"Besides, you can't just smuggle a small amount of gunpowder and have it be noticeable for us. Most likely, we'll be fighting.

"Shin-ah can see my signal even from far away." Shin-ah perks up before nodding his head in agreement.

"Even so..."

"We don't have time to search one ship at a time. It's too late of the girls fall into the Kai Empire's hands while we fight. To be in the group of girls and prevent that from happening is a job that only I can do!" Yona fights for her idea once agin and Gi-gang pauses for a second.

"It's true, we can save the girls if ya succeed. But it's suicide if ya go alone. You'll need at least on more undercover to make this mission a success." Hak and Kija both step forward.

"I'll go."

"I will go."

They volunteer.

"Just so ya know, we need someone who'll look good dressed up as a woman."


"After all, they're Keum-ji's vaulted merchandise. You'll be turned away at the door unless you're as pretty as the other girls."

"I will go." Hak, still as stubborn as ever.

"I'll go." Kija, still a dumbass.

"I'll go." Jea-ha also a dumbass.

"Are ya listening to me, or are ya seriously that confident? Plus, one more rugged arse joined in... Anyway, the only two possible in this lousy group of me is..." she looks at both Yoon and I.

"Yoon, you're witty and know how to handle gunpowder. Kaida, you'll easily be able to get in and keep the two protected."

"H-hold on!" Yoon hold his hands up. "I mean, sure, I'd be better looking that the average girl, since I am beautiful. But our opponent is the evil lord. I'm still against Yona going. Kaida too. I don't know if it'll succeed even with my help." Yona gives him a soft smile, and Yoon immediately becomes flustered

"Well, I guess I hav to go if we're using gunpowder. But Yona and I are enough. Kaida can stay here and help out with the fighting."

"Hm? And why is that? The more help ya get the easier it is. You'll be going too, right?"

"I'll go." I open my eyes and the amber dragon scales appear.

If things get out of hand then I will have no choice. I will have to shift.


I was sitting on the cliff looking at the moon. I had Shizu laying behind me with Haru and Kuro sitting on my lap.

I turn around and see Shin-ah. He comes and sits next to me.

"I don't.. want go."

"I know but I'll be fine."

I was blushing. I took of Shin-ah's mask and I saw that he was blushing too.

"You know your eyes are really pretty. I would like to see them more."

Shin-ah gently grabs my chin and his lips meet mine. My eyes widen in shock, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. I pull away needing to take air and I'm breathing heavily. I put my forehead against his and I eventually fall asleep.

A/N- The relationship between Kaida and Shin-ah is getting there. I will be making art of Kaida. I will seee you in the next chapter. Adios!

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