The Fight

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"10:30 P.M.,Sharp. The old field by the old farmhouse.Show up if you're not a coward. Get ready,Kai. You're going to pay for humiliating me."Those words echo inside my mind as I trek through the woods (a shortcut to the field.) I check my watch once I reach the middle of the field.22:29:37.Twenty-Three seconds pass.nothing. Ten more seconds pass.I finally see a figure emerge from the other end of the field "Well.I honestly didn't think you would show up. Either way,stupid move."The kid says.(So what happened is that he is really ticked at me because I made a joke because he couldn't remember what atomic mass was.We're in 10TH GRADE!!SOPHOMORES!! HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS BY NOW!(also his name is Jake)He and his goons walk up to me."You aren't going to humiliate me again."He tells me.He reaches into his bag.He pulls out..(Spin the wheel!)A gun.I kick Jake in the balls.He drops the gun.I grab it."Hmm...Stupid move you say? How about on your part." I throw the gun to my left.I really thought this would be more of a you know.. A FIGHT..rather than a wannabe terrorist assault.I turn around.I hear a light whirring,I look up.I see a silhouette of...something.I guess Jake heard it because he looks up,confused. He sees the silhouette as well."AlieNs?!"He exclaims,his voice spiking at the end,like he was asking a question.He and his goons run off.I look up.Above me is darker than the rest of the sky.I believe in alternate dimensions(Universes),but not alien abduction.Suddenly,a beam,like a spotlight,searchlight,and a strobe light all combined into one shine on me.I shield my eyes.I feel a strange tingling sensation in my legs and feet,like I was sitting on them for too long and blood no longer flowed to that,but more intense.I look down.The atoms,the very fabric of reality (of my feet) seems to be tearing apart. The tearing feeling starts to progress up my legs,and up until I'm pretty much a floating head,that soon gets torn apart. Uhh.. bad description.(you know the tractor beam in the movie Pixels?Kind of like that,but the aliens aren't taking the form of videogames thinking a videogaming competition was a declaration of war)

I wake up.I'm in some kind of chamber.I look around.I can't move my arms,legs,or any other part of my body.I can only barely move my head.I see two or three blurred out figures.Then the chamber starts to fill with some kind of gas,it looks like nitrogen.But it isn't. Every part of my lower body starts to freeze.My eyes close,like some kind of signal was sent into my brain,but it suddenly feels like one of those times where you are so tired,when you finally do get to go to sleep,you drift into this dreamless,most comfortable voids that feels like you are sleeping on a cloud.

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