The Chamber

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When I open my eyes,I have a sort of helmet on.I still cant move,but..I'm still conscious?

I hear garbled voices.I wonder what even really happened.What was the name of that kid who pulled out the gun on me?Two figures come closer to the chamber,say something to each other,and then the one on the right turns to some sort of computer and starts typing.I don't know what they are talking about.Then the figure walks out.The figure on the left stays a little longer,then follows out the door.

I wait.How long am I going to be cryogenically frozen?Time seems to just be longer when I have my eyes open.I close my eyes.It seems like a while.I open them.The figures have returned.but the one on the right is shorter,and the one on the left is taller,like the one on the right is either really old,or younger than the one on the left.

I close my eyes.What seems like hours,if not days have passed.I wonder if I'll ever get out of this mess.The figures leave.

what feels like weeks or months pass.Really,how long has it been?This time it is only the tall figure.So I guess the figure on the left was older.I hear some kind of alarm or something,and the figure runs off.

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