Chapter 1

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I'm slowly crunching on my cornflakes when Thalia comes into the sitting room rubbing her dark blue eyes. College was hard for her since she only ever went to Camp Half Blood.

But thank god it's a long weekend were not back till Wednesday. We decided to stay here on campus this break to have some alone time.

Thalia sat down on the couch.

I got up and said "Morning" to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Morning" she said back. "So what do you want to do this break" I asked.

" Nico, I think we should have a party. Here with Percy and Annabeth and Grover and Juniper. It would be awesome better than sitting here all break with nothing" said Thalia quite excitedly.

I didn't need think about the party idea, I said yes. Like who knows what will happen. It would be great to see all the boys since I haven't seen them since summer.

So today me and Thalia went to the shops to get stuff for the party. We got the red party cups which we had to ask about 3 assistants to find because "supposedly" ran out.

We got about 12 bottles of fizzy drinks. Trust me Thalia loves fizzy drinks so she found what she wanted and just through it in the trolley.

At that stage Thalia got tiered so what did she do she got in the trolley(which we usually do and I'm telling you you'll never be able to count how many times we've been asked to leave this store. But me and Thalia don't care)

We also got some alcohol. Some alcohol ha we got a load of it. All of us drink except for juniper. She usually just drinks water. But when she feels like it she drinks a bit of alcohol to be a bit wild

We got sweets like a load of the things. We got jellies chocolate We also got some tin cans for Grover and some enchiladas.

We got home and sat down. I was tired and I knew Thalia was too. We turned on the TV and started watching our favourite show.

"I can't wait to see Annabeth it feels like ages since we've seen them I hope there hasn't been anything strange going on" said Thalia.

" I know babe" I said.

That night everyone started arriving.

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