Chapter 3

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I think I might be pregnant! How could Nico and I be so stupid?
Will it be a girl or a boy? Where would he/she live? There is so many questions!!!
I called Annabeth over. I feel more comfortable talking to her since she knows what I'm going through.
"Hey" says Annabeth (her bump is massive!).
"Ipreant" I mumble. I suddenly feel that maybe I should have just kept it to myself. "What the gods did you say, Thalia" Annabeth says rolling her eyes and laughing.
"Nico and I were very drunk last night and.... It kinda got a bit crazy." "Thalia your not pregnant are you?" I look down to embarrassed to reply. But Annabeth knows.
I braced my self for a half an hour lecture about not making the same mistakes she did. But instead she just took my hand and put me into the car.
I saw the pharmacy and knew what she was doing.
She told me to wait here while she went in (I bet my high score on flappy bird while I was waiting!!!).
When she came back she still said nothing, slipped the test into my pocket and drove back to my apartment.
I soooo didn't want to take the test but I knew by Annabeth's face she would kill me if I didn't.
While I was waiting to find out if my life is going to change, Nico texted me.... "Hey babe, party was great last night. Is the apartment still a wreck? I'll call down a bit later".
I started crying. It's all my fault. Why did I even want to have a party? Wait, Nico was the one that suggested to find a room. But I couldn't complain for long because the test was finished.

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