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Seungkwan had a list of rules that he likes to call his 'roommate etiquette'. The rules were:

1. Do not snore

2. Do not hog the covers

3. Do not hog the bed with your long ass limbs

4. Do not stare

5. Keep your feet on your side

In his opinion, they weren't that hard to follow.

After he had recited these rules to Mingyu, the older just nodded. When they walked in, they found out that there was only one queen-sized bed, so they'd be sharing it for the next three nights.

Due to the bed being so small, Seungkwan expected Mingyu to follow all of the rules to ensure his comfort. Like Minghao said, he'd do anything if Seungkwan said to do it. Right?


They had both decided to take a nap before they had to go to the restaurant, so they settled down in the bed. When Seungkwan's eyes opened, one, Mingyu's leg was crossing the imaginary border he had made in his head. And two, he was staring at him with a disgustingly fond look on his face.

"You know you look cute when you're asleep?" Mingyu asked as if Seungkwan didn't already know.

The younger shoved his leg over with his hand and huffed, "yes, I do know."

Mingyu rolled his eyes lightly, "of course you do." He smiled and rolled over so he was standing, "we have about twenty minutes."

"Twenty minutes I will sleep through." Seungkwan pulled the cover over his face and closed his eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep.

Behind his closed eyes, Mingyu walked softly over to him and pulled the blanket off of him, making him groan, "nu uh, we're supposed to meet at ten-thirty to do a head count and stuff," he stopped to check his watch, "it is ten eleven so we should probably start heading there. That is if you don't want to rush."

Seungkwan groaned for the second time that day and rolled off the bed. He rummaged through his bag and pulled out a hoodie to put on and put on his shoes before he followed Mingyu out the door.

In the lobby, everyone was seated or standing around the two adults, who were naming off people.

"Seungkwan and Mingyu are here," someone who was probably Minghao said.

Seungkwan's director looked up from his paper at him and smiled, "nice seeing you awake, sunshine."

They finished off calling names, missing no one, and started to head across the street. Seungkwan met up with Jisoo, Soonyoung, and Chan again am listened to them exchange things about the people they were rooming with.

"Me and Jun requested pillows and blankets and we made a blanket fort!" Chan had said, a bright smile plastered on his face.

Jisoo looked happier than he had before he got the room arrangements, "there's two beds," he said, a blissful smile on his face, "they were decent enough to give me a bed to myself. Although I think it's because they wanted to share a bed."

Soonyoung hadn't told them who his roommate was, but looked excited when he was asked, "I got Jihoon!" He looked so excited, Seungkwan almost felt bad, "I think he smiled when he saw we were roommates."

Chan winced, "Jihoon looked like his soul left his body.." he whispered to Jisoo and Seungkwan.

"What about you Seungkwan?" Jisoo asked, looking over at the other as they waited for the waitress to get all of their tables ready.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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