1. The Lion Stalks the Savanna

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Dirt clung to Leon Wolfe's soles as he trudged through the forest of undulating elephant grass with a scowl. That damned lion; why did he have to summon him, when he was in a nightcap and pajamas? Stray lions or hyenas raiding his pride? Nah, that beast, his Guardian Spirit or GS, owned this pocket dimension; he shouldn't have a problem kicking his enemies outta here. Hell, he could even bend the law of physics here if he wanted to.

Or maybe he wants to lecture me for not visiting him regularly? Leon thought as he squeezed through the tall blades of grass, his nose wrinkling at the earthy scent in the air. For Aedifex's sake, I'm not a kid! I don't need a lecture!

Leon soon emerged on a clearing. A lion sat there, licking his paw as his shaggy dark brown mane swayed in the breeze. The moon in the indigo sky shone upon the beast like a spotlight.

Approaching the lion, Leon looked down. Indeed, it had been some time since he last visited the beast; last time the sitting lion's height reached his waist, while this time it barely reached his hips. However, magic usage could have aged him faster than he had expected.

The lion put down his paw. "I believe you know why I called you, boy. It's been almost a year since we last met. A good apprentice meditates and visits his GS regularly."

Leon sighed, knowing what would follow after this.

"You can't go on forever as Hunter Leonhardt the Lone Mercenary."

Why couldn't he? Life as Hunter Leonhardt was easy: set up a contract, hunt down the target, and receive the payment, rinse and repeat. His fake identity also concealed him from the old enemies at the neighboring province Idassar. Not that Leon was afraid of them, but that place and everybody there would bring up the stuff he'd always tried to forget.

"You're Leon Wolfe, the only son of Cain and Sarah Wolfe. You should go home and reunite with them."

"Why should I go back there? It's been seven years since I left Idassar. They might've passed away or forgotten about me."

"Would it kill you to be more optimistic? Your parents may still be alive. Maybe they're looking for you and expecting your return."

Leon folded his arms over his chest. "Optimism is for fools. You know what? I used to be that fool and torment myself. Everything I hope for never comes true. Everybody I love leaves me at the end."

"You fool. Maybe you just happened to be extremely unlucky that time. Who knows things will be better this time?"

"You mean, I gotta believe in that 'after rain comes sunshine' thing?" Leon chuckled. "How funny."

"What's so wrong about having a positive outlook on life?"

"Likewise, what's so wrong about having a negative outlook on life?"

"You're defying my teachings and what I embody, annoying little boy."

Leon shrugged. Strength, pride, courage; the three things lions were best known for. Which one did he lack?

Wagging a finger at the beast, Leon challenged, "How about a little sparring match, Sir?"

The lion sighed. "Even if you win, it won't change the fact that you're a coward."

"Me? A coward? What are you talking about?"

"You're deathly afraid of something. You're running away from it."

"I'm not running away from anything."

"You are. Otherwise, you would've decided to confront your old enemies and go back to your parents."

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