My Flower -Yandere! Canada x Ukraine

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This is going to suck. Also I see Ukraine as gender fluid, so they are going to have the pronouns They/Them. Lemmie know if you want me to change it to He/She

Maple Boio commits stabby crime, Uki is a sad bean, Vodka Boi comforts, Maple Boio Comforts.

______________Canadas POV_____________

I was watching my beautiful Flower taking a walk with Romania. It really pissed me off. Their supposed to be with ME. I gripped the axe I had across my back, I couldn't get rid of him yet. Not infront of my Flower. They are perfect. I was the first person they told about being gender fluid. I was there for them when they got into a fight with Russia. I was the one they belonged to. I broke out of my thoughts when Romania bid his goodbye to MY Ukraine. Thankfully, he came my way. So when he passed, I grabbed the back of his shirt and covered his mouth. "Your getting cozy with MY Flower. We can't have that, now can we?" I growled in his ear, before slashing my axe across his neck.

_______Timeskip + Ukraine's POV________

I let out a gasp. They found Romania's body and they had called me first. I was sobbing on the family couch, when Russia came downstairs. "Shut the-" He froze, before sprinting over "What happened?! What's wrong?!" He demanded, wrapping his arms around my waist, surprising me. We usually fought, but I pointed to the tv, it showed a reporter talking about Romania's murder. My phone started to ring. I grabbed it and saw Canada's contact. I answered "H-hey 'Nada" I whispered out, sniffling. "OhmygoshUkraineareyouokayIjustturnedinthenewsand-" Russia raised an eyebrow. " 'N-nada, your talking too fast" I said, holding back more sobs. "I'm coming over." Was the last thing I heard before 'Nada hang up. About 15 minutes later, there was a knock on the door, Russia got up to answer. Canada ducked under his arm and sprinted over to me, wrapping me into a hug.

____________Russia's POV________________

I looked over at my sibling being comforted by America's brother. I smiled softly. "Take care of them." I growled out, before walking back up to my room.

_________Canadas POV______________

"Take care of them." Was what Russia said before going back up to his room. I smiled comfortingly at my Flower. "I've got you. Don't worry." I said, comforting them. I knew they would be sad about Romania's death, but I had to do it. So they could be mine.

"Dont worry my Flower. I'll make sure your safe."


Phew, finally done!! You can tell me if it's shit, also, part two? Idk.... Lolz-


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