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It was lunchtime and Natasha was having some lunch by herself, as usual. She was also finishing her maths homework at the same time.

"Sup?"She heard a voice say

When she looked up, she saw the same guy that approached her after school.

"Hi."She replied taking a bite of her sandwich

She didn't eat cafeteria food, her mom still packed her lunchbox. She's old enough to do it herself but Gail insisted.

"What you doing over here, why arent you eating in the cafe?"He asked

"I'm just not comfortable and I dont like Cafeteria food."She said

"Well understandable, do you mind if sit with you?"He asked sitting next to her

"Uhm, sure."She replied

"What you busy with?"He asked opening a bag of chips

"I'm just finishing off my maths work."She said

"Mmmh."He replied nonchalantly

"I notice that you always hanging out alone, why is that. You the loner type that secludes her self from the world?"He asked

Whats with the questions? Natasha sighed in her head, she was getting irritated

"Yeah I just love my personal space."She told him giving a fake smile

"So about yesterday, you promised me your number lil girl."He smirked

Oh my gosh he's still on that. She mentally rolled her eyes.

"Uhm excuse me unfortunately, I dont know them by heart."She lied trying to get him off her back

"Seriousss?"He asked

"Mhhmm."She said packing her work away

"Alright, gimme your phone."He asked

"Pardon me?"She asked thinking did she hear him right

"Gimme your phone for a minute, I dont wanna go through it, I just wanna do something quick."He motioned for her to give him her phone

She hesitantly unlocked it and handed it over to him. He did whatever he did and soon his phone started ringing, he saved the number and gave her, her phone.

"Easy as pie, I'll text you."He said winking at her and left leaving her speechless

"Okay."She simply said

When break was over she headed to her next class, unaware that a Candice was low-key watching her.


"Sizwe girrrrl, there's a party this weekend and its gonna be hosted by Owami."Fikile said

Sizwe gasped.

"Bitch no fucking way, Owami as in-"

"That sexy hot chocolate guy that just got out of jail. Yes him."She finished his sentence

"I'm gonna have to be on fleek. You know that's my dzaddy."He said snapping his fingers

"Bitch excuse you, he's mine."Fikile said flipping her weave

They argued over that for a few seconds. Till something caught Fikile's attention.

"Oooh there goes Natasha's lame ass."She said watching Natasha as she plugged her earphones in her ear, listening to music

It was afterschool and she was waiting for her mom.

That made Sizwe look at her and he just shrugged her off.

My barbie.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora