Chapter 17

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"She answered" Sid smiled walking back inside Mick's man cave we were currently holed up in.

"So she's okay?" I asked

"She's upset" Sid sighed "but happy to know where you are."

I nodded my head and turned back to my drink and smoke.

"So why exactly are you pissed?" Craig asked me quietly

"How can she possibly think I cheated on her?" I yelled

"Start from the beginning" Mick snapped walking in with a cheese tray "Stacy sent snacks"

"Okay" I sighed "I really don't know where it started for her but for me it was the kitchen"

"And?" Craig asked

"Well I was trying to talk to her about Christmas plans"

"Okay?" Mick shakes his head "she's not a fan of Christmas?"

"I don't know" I sighed "she wasn't paying attention. Hell she seemed like she didn't want to be anywhere near me"

"As she warmed you up dinner" Sid snorts "Samantha always wants to be near you"

I looked around the room as my friends nodded their agreement.

"Well she didn't seem like it but Alicia called then"

"Okay?" Mick asks turning on some music

"Alicia was telling me that Sam just seemed off today. She wasn't hardly talking. Super spaced out." I sighed

"Well she's pregnant" Craig mumbled shaking his head

"Yeah but Sam isn't like that" Sid counters "she's the type that if you're hanging out with her you have a full attention"

"Yeah that's true" Craig nods

"How much time have you guys spent with her?" I ask

"Just continue telling us what happened" Craig snaps at me

"Fine sheesh" I sigh "well I told Sam it was Alicia and that she was worried about her. I was too Sam basically was like yeah whatever go ask Candy."

"Who the fuck is Candy?" Mick thunders

"No clue" I sigh "but apparently she knows me"

"Who said that?"  Mick asks

"Sam did" I snap annoyed "apparently she knows me"

"Says Sam?" Mick asks me

"Yeah apparently we have history together"

"Do you?" Craig asks


"How does Sam think you know her?" Mick asks

"I don't know" I shake my head "she kept asking me am I friends with any of Alicia's dancers but I'm not"

"Okay so how did you end up here?" Mick asks me

"Well we ended up in our bedroom" I start

"She's pregnant!" Craig shouts incredulously

"Well obviously that wasn't happening or he wouldn't be here dummy" Sid roars "but still man stay off of her"

"She's my wife" I snap

"She's pregnant" Craig mumbles looking at me like I'm Hitler

"You do know it's my kid right?" I ask somewhat annoyed somewhat amused and definitely confused at the sudden protectiveness of my wife my mates are showing.

My smile was taken long agoWhere stories live. Discover now