39 [ narration ]

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Sung Ri sat patiently on her stark white hospital bed, clutching the thick sheet of blankets wrapped around her frail body.

She'd been waiting for Felix to arrive. While doing so, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

'Calm down. You need not to have a breakdown in front of your deceased best friend's twin brother', she told to herself and sighed.

'Yongbok... It had been only a year since I lost you. My best friend, my buddy, my compadre, o fílos mou, mein freund, mi amigo, mon amie.' She chortled to herself. 'I miss having you by my side all the time. I miss hearing your laugh every time Hyunjin would joke, even though it was terrible as fuck. I miss your smile, your chubby cheeks that I would pinch all day long and you wouldn't mind even though I know for a fact it's very annoying to have your cheeks pinched.' She exhaled.

"I miss you."

Her raspy voice pierced through the silent room.

Her words were followed with a single tear rolling down her cheek. Then another, and another, until she didn't even realise that she was sobbing her heart out. Completely enveloping the once silent room with her cries of grief and agony.

She screamed, she hollered for her late best friend to come back to her arms and comfort her through these rough times.

She knew painfully well that he wouldn't be coming back to her anytime soon. Not now, not ever. But deep inside, she still had this tiny speck of hope that he would come back and say 'hi' with his usual cheeky smile.

A few minutes later, she collapsed on the bed. Catching her breath as fast as she could. She was sure that she used up all the water inside her body crying her heart out.

Her throat was dry, her eyes were swollen, she hadn't eaten properly for the past few days, she has a brain hemorrhage, and her femur was fractured.

Overall, her body was a wreck, but one couldn't say that her mental and emotional state was better.

Moments after, knocks resonated from her room's door. On the other side of it stood Felix, who had been patiently waiting for Sung Ri to stop crying. He was there from the beginning, he had heard everything and he couldn't help but feel bad for the girl.

Sung Ri, albeit weak and tired, still managed to squeak out a "Come in."

Felix grabbed the door knob and mentally prepared himself for meeting his twin brother's most cherished person.


I'm sorry I died lmao... I've been busy (actually had a lot of free time) but, hey I'm back.

I miss Woojin :'/

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