[Sandy] Before I Go To Sleep

667 29 5

      ミ★ Third person POV
      ミ★ 2200+ words
      ミ★ TW Hospitals/Struggle of memory loss
      ミ★ Notes : this chapter took almost 6+ months to complete lmfao my apologies, I'm slowly getting back into the fandom. If I can get around it and not lose motivation, there should be a part 2 to this. For the most part I'm back :>

*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*


What occurred now yelled misfortune. Bodies crammed together in a hallway, rushing forward, shoving the stretcher into another room. A set goal in mind to multiple, each yielding best intentions.

[E/c] eyes loom on the blurred figures hovering above them. Loud ringing canceled out the echoes of those around them. Surprisingly, she's calm. The emptiness she felt was oddly comforting. Light she previously took sight of began to fade.

"What's going on..." A sole question stood strong. Fighting a loosing battle to stay conscious, water streamed out of the corners of her lifeless pupils. The manic scream of an unknown man beats against her ears. She wonders why it sounds oddly familiar as slumber begins to consumes her.

He watches with a sharp gaze as her figure disappears at the turn of a corner. She was so close, yet so far. He thrashes in the arms of those who held him, adrenaline dying alongside his attempts. "Please..." The male goes limp, exhaustion finally grasping him. His knees meet the ground. Both individual drag him back, concern written across their faces.

Stares gravitated towards the scene, glued out of curiosity and sympathy. Though, as alluring as it was, people repelled from them. Gossip from those around him taunted him, judging gazes burned into his skin harder than any fire could.

His hands clamp over his eyes, water seeping, how could he let this happen?

★ ≖≖✿★ ≖≖✿★ ≖≖✿★ ≖≖ ★

Days fell as she snoozed quietly in the bed she laid in. Her body became frail, weak, it was unknown if she'd ever wake— and even if she did other complications were likely to rise.

The first hour to meet dusk always drew in a single visitor. He sat beside her bed, on a chair, simply observing her condition. At times he'd speak to her, hoping she was listening by some miracle. The bandages wrapped around her face hid the beauty she holds. He wonders if her features has changed, for the better or worse didn't matter; he was firm with how he felt about her regardless.

Days become weeks, several weeks, rinse and repeat. It felt as if her coma was eternal. In the absence of the visitor occupied a nurse, who cared for the girl's needs.

While observing the bandage work wrapped onto her face, [F/n] stirs silently, soft muffling follows. The nurse stares in shock before retreating. She shouts. In comes a doctor, who approaches the still girl. A clipboard in hand, then a click of a pen. Alerted, the brawler gently lifts her head up.

"[F/n] is it? You've been in a coma for about a month now. The accident left you pretty subdued, if you can, what's the last thing you can remember?"

Silence in response.

"Ahh yes, I should probably remove your bandages first..." He does as so, slowly. What was previously a darken cavern began to lit up. For what felt like the first time, [F/n] opens her eyes. Trailing them around the room, her gaze lands on the single other person before her.

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