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After the call she immediately change for some casual clothes and grab her wallet. She didn't have a car so she need to commute. She is planning to buy one came from her own savings. Gladly her house is near the bus stop so she doesn't need to ride a taxi. Remember she is saving for her car.

After 20 minutes of bus ride she got to a nearest mall in her place. She start to find some swimsuits so she first enter at her favorite shop the 'Beach Body'  there are lot of different kinds and style of swimsuit and what is really cool is that there is a description that this kind of swimsuit is suitable for this kind of person. She always having fun reading them.

She head to the two piece section where she can see lots of pastel colored swimsuit. She was silently looking for something that suits her personality then she stop searching after seeing peach colored two piece which is going to much if her skin color turns into tan. Maybe she'll wear it the third of fourth day in Bali. By the way she's on leave for five days.

She didn't even give a second thought she grab the swimsuit. The next thing she search for is a beach dress just a simple one. While searching she heard a familiar voice. "Yes honey, I'm on my way." Is that? Austin? She hide in the nearest rack beside her.  "Ok bye i love you." She is silently listening when she heard the call ended. Maybe his gone right? Why am I even hiding from him? It's like I've done something bad. Gosh Kara fix yourself.

Get stand up straight and fix her dress and continue searching for a beach dress. I also have a girlfriend. The flashback of Austin's word enter her head but she shakes it away and continue what she was doing. After an hour of finding some swimsuits and dresses she check the time it's almost 1 pm no wonder her tummy is growling. She didn't even get to eat breakfast.

She paid at the counter and bid her goodbye to the cashier which turn to be her friend. Now she's finding some food establishment that is cheap. When she didn't see any she just silently walk out the mall and head to her house.

"Well, I'm done packing up. Hello Bali!" She screamed and jump into bed.

Austin is now heading to his girlfriend's office after buying  a swimsuit in her favorite store 'Beach Body'. He didn't know why his girlfriend suddenly needs a swimsuit in this early noon time. What makes him confuse is that he thinks he saw Kara at the store but he's not so sure. Maybe he's just hallucinating things.

When he arrives he immediately head at her office. Kath has her own Cafe business at her young age of 16 she manage to make her own business. Austin meets her at this exact cafe five months ago. He was captivated by her looks and talent in making coffee. He didn't let her go after that and 3 months ago she said yes after courting her for two months.

"Hey honey" Kath greeted him when he enters the room. She was smiling brightly he lift up the shopping bag that cause her smile to be bigger. He kiss her in the lips just a smack thou. "Thank you for buying this i really need this tonight but I'm afraid I didn't have so much time to shop. Thanks to you i didn't need to worry. I love you hon." She then kiss him on the cheecks. Because of Kath's business they barely go on a date. Her reason is always the same but Austin understand. He loves her. Before he meet Kath this is her everyday routine and he didn't want to be a hindrance in his girlfriend's career. He loves seeing her smile and be happy.

"You're most welcome hon. Have you already eaten?" He ask while combing her hair. "Nope, we will eat together today before you leave for your trip hon." A sweet smile flash at Austin's lips. "What are we waiting for? Let's go my flight is latur at 6." They grab their belongings and head to the exit.


A/N: short update for chapter 3 hope you'll like it. I apologize sometimes my grammar is bad. I'm not that fluent in English but I'm trying.😘 Love lots

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