S1, EP7 - Wiccans Envied

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This episode crosses the Blessed universe with Rex and Hannah Chronicles universe created by Tim McCree. All traits of Rex and Hannah in the R&H Chronicles were created by Tim.




The camera enters into an area of the sewers where a rotting circus wagon rests among ruined children's toys and items. The camera pans over to a hole where a red balloon floats out and a white glove grabs onto the edge of the hole, shakily.


Witcham Street, the street where Bill Reynolds and his family lived. It's also where Georgie, Bill's little brother was attacked by Pennywise at one of the storm drains. Leaves in different shades of gold, yellow and orange can be seen along the sidewalk and front yards. Fall had reached the city but didn't impact it as much as other states.

A young girl, about eleven years old, is riding her blue bike down the sidewalk. She has peach-blonde hair and wearing a red t-shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. She has a pink backpack on her back, which her name is printed onto -- 'ALEXIS'. Alexis is smiling and laughing as she rings the bell on her bike. A squirrel jumps out in front of her and she swerves to avoid it. "Ah!"

She avoids hitting the squirrel but loses control of her bike and falls over near the storm drain, the same one Georgie Reynolds was attacked at. Alexis can feel pain coarse through her left hand and she discovers that she had a decent-sized scrape in the center of her palm. She begins to cry and holds her hand close to her chest, trying to will the stinging away.

"Don't cry, it'll be okay." A voice says from the storm drain.

Alexis looks to the storm drain and sees a pair of orange glowing eyes. "Who are you?"

"I'm your friend, Pennywise the Dancing Clown." Pennywise says. He smiles devilishly and giggles evilly. "I can take that away for you, Alexis. Would you like that?"

Alexis nods her head. "It hurts so bad."

"You'll have to move closer." Pennywise says.

Alexis obliges and crawls over to the opening of the storm drain. She raises her hand for Pennywise to see it.

"Closer." Pennywise says, eyeing the blood seeping from her scraped hand. He sniffs the air to smell her blood and his mouth drools from his hunger.

Alexis moves her hand into the opening so Pennywise can take her wound away.

"Close your eyes." Pennywise says.

A close-up of Alexis face shows that her eyes are closed, she's waiting for Pennywise to remove the scrape.

"On the count of three." Pennywise says. "One...two..." Immediately, Pennywise's mouth opens largely and he grabs Alexis' wrist.

A bird's eye-view of the street shows Alexis getting pulled into the storm drain by Pennywise. Alexis manages to release a small scream and then everything goes back to being quiet. We do not see Alexis get killed, but it can be assumed she is in fact, dead.


Roll Opening Main Cast Credits



Cory Grüter-Andrew as Pip Muniz-Halliwell
Sophia Lillis as Beverly Carson
Jack Dylan Grazer as Eddie Kresington
Ted King as Andy Trudeau

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