Chapter 5

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Everyone looked over as they heard Brandon gasp only to see both him and Boat staring at Luke in shock. 

"Brother? Is something wrong?" Ritchie asked looking at his twin in concern. 

"Not wrong per se, more like unexpected," Brandon replied, not looking back at his brother so that he wouldn't see the blush on his face. 

"I-I'm your mother? Me?" Boat asked in shock, blushing madly, even as most of the guild members started gaping as they finally noticed the similarities between Luke and Boat. Luke nodded mischievously even as Boat sputtered. "But I'm a guy? How is that even possible?" 

"From our understanding, all our parents were able to have us through potions." Melody piped up making everyone glance over at her and Boat ask. "Really? Who are your parents then?"

"Well, you know Triggerfinger and Viper from over in Grimshade?" She asked and upon seeing the shocked looks, she continued. "Assuming from those looks, you do, so Triggerfinger is my dad while Viper is my mom."

"I suppose it makes sense that two assassins would get together." Kit commented thoughtfully before asking curiously. "So wait, whose your parents then, Jamie?"

"Oh, my parents? That's easy, Jakey and Bryan Divil are my fathers." Jamie said simply and almost all the guild members nodded at that even as Mario commented. "From what Kay said, they are definitely already on their way to being a couple so that makes sense."

Everyone nods at that before David turns to Davy and asks. "Oh, that reminds me, who's your mother, Davy?"

No one was expecting what happened when David asked that question, however. Davy had gone completely stiff before starting to tear up. David's eyes went wide and he was about to ask what was wrong before Luke walked over and the hugged Davy even as the smaller started to cry. 

"Uh, could someone explain why Davy just burst into tears like that?" Kit asked in confusion. 

The kids, minus Luke and Davy (Luke had taken Davy outside to calm down), looked at each other before Jamie explained quietly. "From what I know, Davy's mom died when he was six, he gets really upset when its brought up."

David went very pale as well as the rest of the guild. There was absolute silence for a moment before David asked. "C-could you still tell me who it was? Even if I can't change it... I'd like to know."

Jamie and Melody exchanged glances before they sighed. "I guess it would probably come out eventually, especially considering Davy's magic."

"Yeah." Melody sighed in agreement and then they both turned to Mario, whose eyes went wide and he looked visibly stricken. Nobody could blame him. It's not every day you find out that you're going to die before you can really see your kid grow up.  

Nobody knew what to say. Then, to everyone's surprise, David walked over to Mario and wrapped his arms around him. While Mario looked at the ice mage in shock, after a moment he hugged back. After a blow like that, the dragon slayer needed some comfort.

After a few minutes, Luke and Davy walked back in, Davy having calmed down to where he wasn't crying anymore but the tear stains were still obvious on his face. Nobody moved for a moment before Mario hesitantly walked up to the two. Davy nearly froze in place and didn't move even as Mario stopped in front of him. Then he nearly burst into tears again as his mother hugged him for the first time in years, hugging back with all his might. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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