Chapter 1

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Hayley Williams sang for another hour. Not even once was he able to wiggle his way into her thoughts. She was pleased with that.

The crowd was sad to all the glory coming to its inevitability. In the same way, she was sad to see them go. They were her distraction as much as she and the rest of Paramore were thiers. Her solution was rather temporary, but it was adequate for the time being. However, now she faced the possibility of never seeing him again.

She had missed her chance at redemption. And she began to pity herself.

How embarrassing. The Hayley Williams descending into the shameful depths of self pity. Long ago, she had entrusted herself to avoid falling into those depths, having reached it before. The first was when she was 20 years old. Although she had found a way to release those caged emotions through Paramore's third album. The second time was the worst; it was only one year after. Two members of their band had left, however it wasn't that. One of them; Joshua Farro had to leave a message that attributed her as a fame hungry, hypocritical Christian. Following their nasty departure, the remaining three members were in turmoil. The band faced a lot of criticism. She had to suffer most of it. She partly blamed herself for it. Pitying herself was how she spent the next few days.


As per usual she and her fellow band-mates took their bow. She found it difficult to maintain a smile. The Man had already crept into her conscious. She knew that he was and always will be dead to the world. It hurt her more than she ever would admit. But he was never dead to her. But she knew that the time was coming.

(I'll let you die)

She felt sick. Inside that pretty head of hers, she was drowning in guilt. She felt her chest begin to lightly ache.

She wanted to do something; anything. Smash the drums, jump off the stage, run into a wall, any excuse to sidetrack the angst. But that would never do any good. Then her eyes began to flutter from wetness.

She grabbed her leather jacket and they began to head backstage.

"Well that went well." She heard the bassist, Jeremy start. "Don't you think?" he went to ask her.

She snapped out of her thoughts and began wiping her eyes. "Mhm" she replied rather curtly.

He noticed the eye rubbing. "Got something there?"

She being oblivious to what Jeremy was saying gave a confused "Hm?" as a response.

"Do you have something in your eyes?"

"Oh it's nothing" she said nonchalantly, giving her eyes one last rub. "Must have been an eyelash" she added.


"Oh you mean one of those fake eyelashes you scared us with?"

He was referring to their last online chat with their fans when she had worn the said fake set of eyelashes. At one point they fell out of place making her seemingly a grotesque creature at first glance. Their guitarist; Taylor got a nice jump scare from that.

"No it was a real one this time" she lightly smiled into her answer.

"I can't ever know with you" he teased.

"Oh shush."

He chuckled "You look tired."

"I am actually."

"So am I. But I was having fun so it's worth it."

She wished that she could say her entire night was fun.

"Yeah I was having fun too." She lied.

She recalled their arrival in Fairfax. She had a dream the night before. It reminded her of the boy she left behind. She rediscovered all her emotions for the said boy. They were latent for years, But evoked they were, now.

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