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                         Crystal's POV

Thx to Josh's advise, I'm more confident than ever, I just need to meet him at his place, let me text him

                   Shipper Gurl (Crystal)

                                               Hey Shadow-

-Oh hi Crystal, how
Are you?

                                             I'm good but..-

-But what?

                          Can we meet up at your-
                                      Place tomorrow?

-Sure, see you at my

                                                         See you-

I was so excited and nervous at the same time but I remember Josh's advise "Just calm down and be yourself, also be confident" I went to bed and shut my eyes to sleep.

                        Shadow's POV

I wonder why she wants to meet up at my place, it must be something important or something else.. I started to blush because of it, I tried to make it go away but it just continues, I went to bed and sleep so I can forget about it.

                         Crystal's POV

I woke up confidentially, took a bath, changed my clothes and went down stairs for breakfast.

"You are fresh girl, is it time?" I would smile and cheerfully said

"Of course it is time, can you drive me to Shadow's place?" He smirked at me

"Why?" I face palm and now he realised that I don't have a drivers license "Oh right, I forgot that you don't have a license, sorry" I would laugh at him for forgetting that I don't have a license

"It's ok Josh, I would also forget something" he would smile at me and laugh

"Like combing your hair?" I gasped and quickly brushed my hair, he would laugh at me

"Not funny Josh" he stopped laughing

"Cmon it's a bit funny" I smiled at him

"I guess" we both finished breakfast and head to Josh's car to get to Shadow's place

"Here we are" I was excited and nervous at the same time "Hey, remember my advise" I smiled

"I will Josh" I hugged Josh and he hugged me too

"Good luck" as he waved goodbye "I will pick you up when you call me" I waved at him

"Ok Josh, cya later" he drives his car back home

I went up to the front door and knocked the door, Shadow's Brother opened the door and I went in

                        Shadow's POV

I woke up from my brother's call and went down stairs for breakfast

"You had a good sleep lil bro" I would smile

"Yea, I did..." I was nervous because of Crystal's arrival today and then my brother asked

"You ok bro?" I would sweat as I answer

"Yea, just a bit nervous..." he would giggled as he says

"Don't worry bro, you will have a good time with her" I smiled at him

"Heh" I finished breakfast and took a bath and then I heard knocking on the door "Can you open the door for me Brother?" I would shout cause I was in my bathroom

"Sure!" my brother opened the door and saw Crystal, then she went in. I rushed so much that I forgot to put on clothes so I put a towel on me instead

                         Crystal's POV

As soon as I went in the house, I sat on the couch and saw Shadow going down stairs with only a towel on him, I blushed so hard and tried to forget it and he got closer to me, my heart was beating fast, so I fainted.

"Crystal, you ok?" I woke up and said

"Y-yea, I'm o-ok" I said in a nervously sweet voice

"I'll get you some water" he smiled as I looked at him blushing "Here" I drinked the water

"T-thx" I calmed down a bit as I looked at his abdomen

"Have fun guys, I'm gonna go to work now, cya brother" Shadow waved at his brother goodbye as his brother closed the front door

"Well, I'm gonna go put some clothes on" he would smile

"Ok then" I would blush because of what happened earlier and Shadow came back with some clothes on

"Wanna watch something or like I don't know, what do you wanna do" I blushed and said

"Let's watch some movies, you pick the genre" he would smile at me and I would also smile

"Let's watch some horror movie!" I was terrified because I don't like horror movies and I would have nightmares. Shadow turned on the TV and picked a horror movie, I was so scared that I hugged Shadow "Shh, don't worry, its gonna be fine" I had shivers down my spine

"I-I'm just not used to watch horror movies cause I would have nightmares because of it" he smiled at me

"You'll get use to it" I would smile at him and I was still hugging him for comfort

                          Shadow's POV

I was blushing when Crystal hugged me because she was terrified of watching a horror movie, she was super scared and started to whine and she cuddled me, I was blushing as my heart beats fast, I would hug her to comfort her as she calms down whenever I hug her, it feels like I'm teddy bear to her and I would smile at her.

After the movie, Crystal took a deep breath and said

"I think it's time to tell you" I would ask

"Tell me what?" she would smile at me

"Shadow, we've been friends since childhood and I think we are more than just friends" I blushed and kissed her cause I couldn't wait and she would kiss me back

*OK no one wants to see the dirty minded part and I don't have a picture of Shadow so I just replaced it with a gacha version and also a gacha version of me, so part 6 coming soon, bai*

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