-|The Note|-

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                          Josh's POV

Here is what the note says:

"Dear Josh,

                    I hope you enjoy these flowers because I like you but I don't wanna say it in person cause I'm too shy, your my crush, I had a crush on you since then, I hope you accept it.

                            From you dear friend,

That's weird, no name... But who sent me these flowers and he/she likes me...

"Ooh, someone likes ya" I would blush

"U-uhh" Crystal would giggle

"I'm gonna go put these flowers in a vase, be right back" I was thinking of who sent me this, was it Jordi or Jelly? Or maybe someone else.

"So, have you thought of who sent you the flowers?" I don't know who though...

"I have but I don't know who sent me these" me and Crystal would investigate

"We'll find who sent you these, maybe we could meet up with Jelly and Jordi"

"let's do that tomorrow" me and Crystal would smile at each other

"Ok then" we would go to our rooms

Let me text them, good thing we have group chat


                                                      Hey guys-

-Hey Josh, its

-Hey Josh, Jelly here

                             Can we meet up guys?-


-Yea but where?

                                                 At my place-

-Ok then

-Alright then

                                        OK guys, see you-
                                       Tomorrow at my

-Bye Josh

-See ya tomorrow
                                                       Bye guys-

I laid down on my bed and went to sleep.

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