Chapter 17: Effects of changing past (Part 2)

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This thing will be straightforward if I possess one of my sons' body. Leaving the current body, I possess one of my sons' body.

I kill all of them while Selina, Melina and their husbands angrily sworn about their children's reborn to achieve their love and their commitment to destroy black magic from the world in before of my eyes.
Because of the strength of their oath with their parent love, my soul was restricted from having a new birth after their death.

'How dare they? To challenge me? I'll prove them that they cannot destroy me ever. I'll be the death of them through this samsara. They'll never be able to defeat me. Till their next birth I'll possess more black magic to strengthen my soul.'

I determined to myself.


450 years later (Era of Aurora's)

Although I was able to destroy Selina and Melina's children twice in their rebirths, this time I failed to do so. Melina and Selina together have created the supernatural world by using pure magic. It includes species like mermaids, angels, witches, vampires, and werewolves. Their husbands have created the world of Demons and Gods with the power of their oath. Number of my attempts to destroy them in this third time was prevented. Three of them were born as the great warriors to unite the separated kingdoms and give birth to the parents of the supreme warriors.
My attempt to prevent Aurora from their mating also went vain. I was able to possess the souls of the Aurora's mates' parents because their souls were coated with darkness. Although I was able to killed their parents, with the support of her guardians, who were the Selina's sons they were able to live and gave birth to the parents of the supreme warriors.

One oath from Selina, Melina and their husbands were achieved like that. The rebirth of their children win their love in front of my eyes. All the things I had done to defeat them has go vain. But I'll never allow them to fulfill their second oath about destroying black magic. If they destroyed black magic, it will automatically destroy me because now black magic is me. My soul possesses around 80% of black magic from the world. I'm working to absorb other 20% too.

My several attempts to avoid the birth of the three Supreme warriors also fruitless because of the attempts of the Moon goddess Selina and Star General Melina.

Selina creates the species while Melina gift them with powers. They successfully create the first generation to destroy me. The grandchildren of the first generation, together with the first generation can destroy me.

Those six together with an ancient weapon which is coated by the blood of six of them is the only weapon that can destroy me. Also, that blood should be from a wound cause by me.

To avoid the birth of the three supreme warriors, I possess the Demon queen who was the mother of the one of mates of Aurora's daughter, Semi. I force Delex to get friends with Semi and get their child to me. Also, as demon queen I force Aurora's sons; Sith and Seth's mate, Thiru to poison Aurora and made her catch so that they will not mate their mother's killer.

But that Selina and Melina destroy all my plans. By using their power, they cure Aurora from getting killed and make a situation to wake her up with the crying sound of the supreme warriors. So, without caring the hatred towards each other Sith, Seth and Semi, mate with their respective mates. Pregnant Semi, Thiru and Aurora in coma was kept in a place where I cannot find them.

In the young age of Aurora's grandchildren, I possess the body of little girl Ishu, who was the daughter of the brother of the Aurora's mermaid second's mate. Then I kill her parents to be the adopted daughter of the Aurora's mermaid's second and I succeed in doing so.

Then I befriend with Aurora's granddaughter Nuri and make her mind against her family because I couldn't kill the supreme warriors before they gain their power. That was the way that Selina and Melina has created them. After killing my so-called adopted parents, I entered the castle of royal bloods where Aurora, Alex, Liam, Aurora's guardians, Sith, Seth, Thiru, Semi, Roman, Delex, Keith, Kevin and Nuri live happily. All my plans were very successful because Selina and Melina were unable to use their power till the 18th birthday of the supreme warriors. This case happens because they use their power to avoid Aurora from being dead. In the eighteenth birthday of the supreme warriors, I succeed in killing Nuri making the royal family broken. But that Melina and Selina with their husbands cause a time travel destroying my all efforts. They also have revealed my real identity to the royal family, and the only way to destroy me. Also, they have revealed the place of the ancient weapon was kept.

I know that, end of this battle has come. I'll destroy all of them before they destroy me. Also, Selina, Melina and her husbands cannot help the royal blood again because they have used their power to give life to the death Nuri and make a time revise. It'll take at least twenty-five years for them to contact the royal family again. They'll get shocked to see that the royal family does not exist anymore. They'll understand that, they cannot defeat me ever. Also, I'll be in a new life by then.

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